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  1. Doxyc
    ooc: Grr i can't do anything!!! And Nny don't powerplay! >.< !!! guys like hovering in mid air...:(
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Doxyc
    Blade came falling downward from above Seikei, Roka, and Karxo for the potal led above them not to the castle. His Chaos keyblade in hand. now realizing of what just happened he faced downward. "RAH!!!" Blade yelled as Dark thundagas countinueously bursted from his hand forcing him to move slightly upward again.
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Doxyc
    "Hmm?" Blade looked about as he heard a sound in a distance. "What was..." Blade focused his attention on Roka and Seikei again. "Now...why would you betray us Seikei..."
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Doxyc
    Blade smiled almost as if he was excited. "So...Seikei..." Blade said as he tugged his gloves on tighter. "Didn't I warn you about being a traitor?" Blade pointed to his eyes. "Roka...didn't your brother tell you?" Blade lifted up a finger. "One second..." Blade closed his eyes for a second. He opened them and they were white. Suddenly a surge of power went through Nny, making his eyes turn yellow and then back to normal color. Your not being kicked Raxtion...from the Keys of Destiny...and your enemies aren't eachother!!!! blade telepathically said through all of the members even Seikei. "Sorry about that." blade looked at Rokas and Seikeis keyblades. "Your not going any where..."
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Doxyc
    Blade dissregarded this shot and looked feircly into Rokas Eyes. "I'ts no use..." Blade began, "Your little plan here. You can't get the coordnates off these Bases. You see, what i was typing on the computer wasnt just to stop the 90% download. It was also to stop and redirect any transmitter device that desplay the coordinates on this world and on Crestfallen. And about might want to check on him." Blade started to walk away. "Or maybe i'll just wipe his memory now." Blade smirked.

    Blade smirked as he turned to look at Roka, "Ahh...i see that you have little...side effects of escapeing the darkness." Blade lifted his arm and grinned. "Why would you want to leave this...power." Blade said as black magic started to form around his arms. "Fool..." Blade walked over and opened a portal behind Roka. He then grabbed him by the collar and dragged him through the portal. They wound up in the Great Gourge of Hollow Bastion and then the portal closed. "See now here your transmitting the coordinates to this location. But enough about that."
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Doxyc
    Blade looked up from the computer with no emotion. He exhaled with anoyance and started to click on the keyboard. He put his hand on the screen and the computer dissappeared. He stood up and turned to Roka. "Soo...i see you escaped the darkness."
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Doxyc
    Blade watched as his follower was falling into what? He looked down to see the Giant nobody crevest. "Hmm..." Blade said he shrugged it off and walked away. After all how bad of a situation could Graxe be in?
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Doxyc
    ooc: I'm not at that base. i'm at the new one. your at the Castle of Nightfall
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Doxyc
    "Grr...I'm so bored..." Blade said as the screen read Loading 67%. He lazilly laid his feet ontop of the keyboard. "Why wont this load faster!?" Blade stood up angerly and walked up stairs. he got to the window that he was at earlier. he looked up into the sky and saw something falling. "What the...Graxe?"
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Doxyc
    After putting in the connection between the 2 castles by using a portal, Blade walked threw to the other base. He was once again in the room were the computer is. He walked around and sat down in it again. "Now then..." he started and layed his hands down on the keyboard again. "let's begin the download and find out more about this place." Blade started typing on the keyboard and a screen came up, with the words 'Download 1%' on it.
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Doxyc
    Blade snapped his attention and turned to look at Nny. "We don't know...we're making it into another base." Blade started to walk away. "I'll make a portal from this base to the other one...but first i must find a room..." Blade said and countinued to walk away. He found some stairs and went down them countinueing further into the basement. After another couple fleets of stairs. he came to a hall way. he went down it going farther and farther into it. At the end of it was a Door. it was white, which made it stand out against the black wall paper. Intreaged, he opened it. On the other side was a completely white room with a chair in the middle of it. "Hmm..." Blade walked over twards the chair and sat down. "Now then...this looks like a good spot." Blade lifted his hand and placed it directley infront of him. In an instant a computer landed infront of him. It resembled much like, ansem the wises computer but was bigger with a lot more attachments. "There we go," Blade placed his hands on the keyboreds infront of him. "I need to make that portal..." he started typing on the computer and in 5 minutes a portal appeared to his right exactly on the wall. "Now i need to make the portal in the Castle of Nightfall and everything will work." Blade started to get up but sat back down. "I should probably put a lock on the computer...what should it be..." Blade started to think. He then started to type again and when he was done the word 'Redemption' was on the scream. He pressed enter, knowing that no one else new the password. He then opened a portal and walked threw it.
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Doxyc
    ooc: Declined
    Blade thought for a moment. "Hmm...well i can see that. This does look like a good place for a Base..." Blade began to walk twards the window. "It shall be a back up base for us." Blade turned and looked at Graxe. "I'll keep you in charge of it, when i'm not here, so patch it up if you want to." Blade began to walk again but stopped. "What is this..."
    Post by: Doxyc, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Doxyc
    "Colliseum?" Blade said curiously. "...what exactly are we looking for?"
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Doxyc
    Whats the code to have 2 different movesets like in Coded Legends?
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Doxyc
    A piece of paper landed right beside Blade. He picked it up in confusion. "What the..." He reconized the hand writing as Graxes. "Whats this place." he said with interest. he pushed off the tower and landed on the ground with a thud. He stood tall and held out his hand making a portal open. He walked through with great interest. He found himself in a castle surounded by Statues of some sort. He looked to his left to find Graxe standing there. "Hey Graxe. What's this place?"
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Doxyc
    ooc: I'm sorry. lol what do you want to do?

    ooc: lol okay i get the Keyblade thing now! XD Thats REALLY cheap though, can you please change your post so that you don't find their base? I dont want complaints....:(
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Doxyc
    ooc: Did you read what i posted Graxe?
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Doxyc
    ooc: Dude you can't just find there base like that. it's not fair! It's like someone finding Crestfallen instantly. They are the only ones who know's were their base is. What do you mean by he made his? I'm okay with him making duplicates but making an exact replica of it with the same speed and what not...that's kinda cheap.
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Doxyc
    ooc: DELETE

    OOC: you stole my Keyblade! >.<

    bic: Blade walked in The World That Never Was. He stopped and slightly looked up at Memory Sky Scrapper. Blade then jumped and with little effort he landed on top of it. He sighed and sat down on it. His legs dangleing from the high place. He smirked.
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Doxyc
    Blade looked at Nny then shook off the awquird feeling. "Graxe...wont do as i tell him so i'm going to give him a talking to. In the mean time can you find out what the Knights are doing?" Blade then turned around and opened a portal. He looked over his shoulder and said, "You can do anything you want just...try not to blow OR destroy anything." Blade then walked through and left Nny; the portal closing behind him.

    ooc: Home work bbl
    Post by: Doxyc, Feb 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home