Woohoo! No school!!! Too much ice on the roads! If we're talking about pictures... I'm really not photogenic... I always look like i'm on drugs or something... D: OH MY GOSH... My parents told me the worst news for braces last night.. -I have to get 5 teeth pulled -My braces will be on for like... 3 years... And then i have to wear a permanent retainer for like... 2 years... D: -I have like... 7mm overbite.... And then there's worse stuff... ._. >___< I BLAME GENETICS!!! DX Oh yeah... Demi... I just watched your Spice Girls thing... O_O;
I'm talking about the song.... >.>
:P I just finished Riku's song.. :D Sora's turn! Aw crud.. I just realized there's this super-sick lyric in "Ohio".. But i'm not gonna type it.. 'cause y'all will be like.. "O__O" XDD
Meh is with DS.. *backing away* :O
'Tis the fate of Reppy... XDD DS!!! *glomps* Why not?
>_> XD .. I just hit the perfect dramatic clip for Riku... (Yeah.. I'm still on his song.. D: ) XD ... It's the Repliku.. But it still should count.. :3
Do i WANT to know...?
^^ XD .. I really gotta get soem more work done for "Stupid Boy" Or.. KH Musical... Which should i work on? :3
-_-' .............................
I ish sorreh! ^^"
SINCE WHEN AM I DITHY-CHAN?! :O XD . Jk Oh yeah... I like your name DS! :D ... ish unique!
Howdy family! :D XD
:O I've always wanted to watch it.. But i never have.. T_T Well.. Hey. My mom is making me get off... See ya guys later! ^^
._. Hmm.. These names sound familiar... XD I've never seen Ouran before.. D:
D: I just remembered... I got math too... T___T
^____^ :glomp: I got Reading Homework.. D: DEMI BETTER GO DO HER HOMEWORK!!! *is listening to "Take a Breath"* :3
Oh. My. Gosh. I just realized. I have homework.. DD: And just when i was gonna stop by... XD .. Ah well. I'll do it before i go to bed. How's everyone? :3