"you miss" as he starts to run " you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man
"O, really? Or did I prepare for this moment?" Suddenly, 20 of the demons attack James "Ha ha ha. I did prepare" ooc: all the demons are a little bit weaker than me
"There is one thing about those men, they weren't mine, they were just from my village. my men are so much better than that. O, and by the way, you guys would no match for the village I come from. It's called..., I said to much"
"O no you don't" he says as he pulls his sword out. Then he gives his sword to one of the other guys ,and he fixes in nio time ooc: did you mean your shield or my sword? i'm going to martial arts , so i won't be able to be on for an hour or more
ooc:what's with the poetry BIC: Jacob puts his sword in James weak point , twists his sword, and makes the hole bigger again
the coin hits Jacob and when it falls off, blood is comming out where it hit " my coin had a spike on it. He he he"
"Nice try" he said" did you notice i didn't even take out my swords? and i'm giving you this much trouble" Jacob suddenly dissapesrs and reappesrs on tot of James, and flicks a coin through his weak spot
Jacob moves out of the wayin half a second, and tries to kick through James's shield thingy
Jacob twists his foot, makeing the hole bigger and he takes his foot out. Then he goes behind James and the other people with him go to fight other demons
Jacob goes up to James's weak point and puts his footin it ooc: the people behind are really good(not as good as me, but good)
Jacob says" I guess you are" Then suddenly 4 half-demons and 5 humans all with 2 katana each appear out of nowhere and mack a line behind Jacob( they are all neeling down)
suddenly, Jacob goes behind behind James, and askes him "Are you James, The Half-Demon"
ooc: ok emo nemo with the crew BIC: "Mind if i join in. My name is Flash" ooc: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you other guys wouldn't getit, its a school thing
o.k., where did you come from and why are there so many demons
who are you and I think that,s to late
suddenly, someone comes out of nowhere, fowlling a demom that was flying through the air occ: the next person to post gets the 400th post i,m not lying, SO POST SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i,m getting bord
hi Name:Jacob A.k.a. Flash Age:25 Race:half-deamon appearance:http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?...y&pageOffset=4 weapon great sword secondary weapon 2 katana bio:trying to find my brother, fast, really fast(100m.p.h. for a few seconds)
Sorry i took so long Name: Jacob Age: 25 Race: Half- Deamon appearance: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1335/1232694881_17406673ff.jpg[/ing] weapon 2 katanas secondary weapon 1 great sword bio: i,m trying to find my brother and i kill deamons on my woy