AFTER A LONG TIME Blade is revealed ->Attack<--- ->Defend ->Special ->Magic ->Summon ->Bag CLICKS -> Slash -> Fly<---- -> Dark Ball CLICKS Blade flies into the air, dark sword in hand and hovers over the feild, away from attack.
->Attack ->Defend ->Magic ->Summon ->Bag *TURN IS SKIPPED*
->Attack ->Defend<---- ->Magic ->Summon ->Bag CLICK But it's too late, Blade is beaten to death and falls to the ground, Burn yboy's mom returns to his summon pouch. EDIT: Blade is revived, but unable to move for the next 2 turns
Ok no more cheating ->Attack ->Defend ->Magic ->Special ->Bag ->Summon<---- CLICK ->SUMMON -> Fat Pig ->Burnyboy's Mom<--- -> Batman -> Roxas and Riku CLICK burnyboy's mom comes nd says-" Did you clean your room?" "TAKE OUT THE TRASH!" "FEED THE DOGS!"
*BLADE HAS ONE POINT* ;( Cries, runs around and around, cries some more
Attack:<--- Defend: Special: Magic: *Clicks* Attack<--- { Slash { Fly { Random<---- *Click* Blade walks over and unplugs the DDR and TV, how you like me now!!!
Lol.... Godmoding...... alright *walks over to Kikame's line and wates for Flameboy to attack? (i think is his name)
ok, wich one of you is more powerful, i'll join the weaker side to make it a lil more even....
lol, ok? what are the setups, like i see your menu and whatnot.....
um..... *freaked out at the sem-war, are we have some RPG war goin on here? but with your characters?
what the heck?????.................
how'd you know it wasn't an invisible blind-fold? O.O --
OOC: Lol, is it too late for me to make my entrance, i signed up earlier but couldn't find the original topic?
here ill post what happened real quick since i gotta get off, I missed two! yes ill repeat !TWO! assignments, only two!! she brings me to the back of the class and this is what she says her- "WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!? me- "Uh what?" her- "whatever you missed two assignments, im claing your parents, setting up a conference and you better get your act back together! So im ticked off becuz i already had a D in that class, i suck at algebra, ok l8er Kikame, Doom Den (yeha i saw u lurking lol)
ok i meant the birds one, lol thanks to my math teacher im gonna be grounded like 4eva
WOOT awesome idea evil, that would be sick lol
ok, hey i was looking at that singin page, was that you singin that song on youtube? ok err anyway, i gotta get off, stupid math teacher..... i hate her so much! soz she is just really starting to tick me off alot!
Lawlz, i was about to cry, until scrolling down half the page *walks to hissora and punches him/her not sure, i might edit and find out, lol jk
err the bloody rose dushingininini thing....
DANGIT...... *walks away throwing his popcorn down* PS sorry for the spam!