"who is that?" he asked pointing at Matthew in a younger form walking twords them*
ooc: that mite be helpfull
"ok" he said
*Erin stayed close as they walked* -*Matthew watched from a near by tree*
*Erin fell to the ground*
*he folowed*
*he stayed close to ZC*
"yeah!" Erin said
*he noded and folowed ZC*
"ok" Matthew said geting up
*Erin felt usless. he was to afraid to do anything*
"well then...w are just going to have to make this worth remembering!": Erin said "Lets go get Corin!"
*Erin backed up*
*Erin watched*
*Erin stoped and looked back*
ooc: well someone had to get him to Matthew and Trinity
what aboutr Tiffa?
"is he ok??" Erin asked
ooc: time skip
*he kept runing. he was to afraid to look back*