*Anna folowed*
"well heartless are in town and the securidy siston isn't woring write...we also couldn't get aholde of you so we got worried" Sora explaind
*wow..." Sora said in shock
ooc: nope...*sigh*
*Erin started to walk off but still felt a little light headed*
ooc: ok bic: *Anna looked around bordly*
wow! good job! you are very talented!!!
ooc: ummm...recap please
*Erin tryed to stand up*
*he stayed sighlend. he was so used to Corin's solgers that he stoped beleaveing in trust*
"thank you" Erin said ooc: I'll bbl talk to u on IM-me in a sec
"ZC!" erin said shocked to see him
*Erin couthed up blood* this isn't good! Erin thought
*erin colapsed, but forced himself back to his feet*
*Erin forced himself to his feat and limped out of the hotel* why? why is it that everytime I get close to people I always get them hurt? Erin thought to himself. he blamed himself for Alex geting kidnapped
ooc: sorry. it said you were on line, but aperently it lied! bad site bad! XD ok Alex is in Corin's castle and Erin is in the hotel
ooc: Alex was kidnapped and Erin isn't in very good condishon
*he didn't anser. he looked at them trembuling*
*Corin grind* "this may have took longer than expected, but it's still working!" Corin said
*the boy looked at them weakly* ooc: now I g2g lol