I thought I lived In Australia O_O
AWWWWWWWW CTR!!!!! :glomp: You're so sweet ^_^ But I cant help feeling bad If something bad happens D8 Tis Be Awight though 8D Kekekeke....Cookie 83
-.- And here I thought I was going to get a compliment about something
Hai Der!~ Welcome to KHV, Post a lot, Read the Rules (You should know the Rules), Spam In The Spamzone (Or as I like to call It, Spazzone) and Stay Active =D If you have any questions, Post a thread In the 'Forum Assistance' Forum or PM a Mod. Enjoy, ~Jordie, The Pie Girl
For me, Being Intelligent means you can reach up to your limits and live them out. It doesn't really matter If you're not smarter then somebody, It really matters on what YOU can do and what YOU think.
I Agree (Even though Ive never actually seen you do it on one person, you usually point It out to the Role-Players etc.) But Its still a bad habit for everyone -.- Though, this thread Is about Sora 13, so lets not jump Into anything other.
I just got here and even I can say Its quite Idiotic to be making threads about other people and pointing out their bad grammar. So what If they have bad grammar? Its not like they bother you about your way of spelling, Sora 13. I don't want to say anything else which will lead Into another one of those threads again. I think Ive had my share of opinions for one life time.
I was bored and talking to Triggy XDDD []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[] - Pimpin' []D [] []\/[] []D - Pimp []D \|/ []\[] - Pwn (Yes the W looks demented) []P \|/ []\[] [) - Pwn'd []D []\ - I think thats how I did my R's....I forgot [_] - U...Or a square with a missing line \/ | - Y ___ [] - T []_ - L _ (_) - O (Credit to Triggy for figuring this one out) /-\ - A []-[] - H And I think thats It...OH!! I almost forgot, []} Turn your head sideways and Its a MUFFIN!! ...I Seriously Need A Life -.-
I never knew Sara was pregnant o___o xD Kidding. That was a really good chapter... I'm Kinda thinking that Annie and Arc saw/heard SJ, Gerbil and Xekvin and are going to do what they did to Alice and Xaldin, which will put Sara In the middle. I wonder though....Awesome 83
Well I was having trouble with The Profile Picture and Avatar options, and of course I was getting the ****s, so Triggy helped me 'n such. After that I was Rhyming and I came up with this XDD Sorry If This Offends anyone o.o; The KHV Rhyme (Oh Da Do Da Dey) I Joined This Site When I Was Young, Do Da Do Da I Wanted To Be, Twenty One, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, Sometimes This Site Can Be Gay, Oh Da Do Da Dey. I Made Some Friends, And Enemys Too, Do Da Do Da From This Day I'm Still A Noob, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, What Will KHV Bring Today? Oh Da Do Da Dey. The Staff Here Are Pretty Strict, Do Da Do Da I Saw A Member Being Kicked, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, This Site Puts The Others In Shame, Oh Da Do Da Dey. Noob Complaints Are Pretty Dumb, Do Da Do Da Some Of You Still Suck Your Thumb, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, Some Of You Have Joined In May, Oh Da Do Da Dey. Big Words Confuse Us All, Do Da Do Da We Still Laugh At The Word 'Balls', Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, I'm Wasting My Life If Thats Okay? Oh Da Do Da Dey. Avatars and Signatures, Do Da Do Da Profile Pics and Immatures, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, There Are Things That Words Cant Say, Oh Da Do Da Dey. "You're Wrong and I'm Right" Do Da Do Da Saying Words That Use Our Might, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, I Wonder If The Staff, Get Payed? Oh Da Do Da Dey. Text Talk Is Just Not Cool, Do Da Do Da Because We Are Too Cool For School, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, KHV Pwns Subway, Oh Da Do Da Dey We're Just Kids Who Have Fun, Do Da Do Da There Are Pervs So Lets Run, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, We All Want To Get Away, Oh Da Do Da Dey. Personally This Site Rocks, Do Da Do Da We're Like Birds Who Run In Flocks, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, We're All Crazy, Hip Hip HURRAY! Oh Da Do Da Dey This Song Is Nearly Done, Do Da Do Da Lets Go Post and Have Some Fun, Oh Da Do Da Dey Oh Da Do Da Dey, Oh Da Do Da Dey, Hopefully We'll Meet Some Day, Oh Da Do Da Dey OH.DA.DO.DA DEY!! *Brick'd*
The 'Aww He's So Cute When He's Not Trying To Destroy Humanity..' Or was that somebody else?
Damn, you changed your Avatar!! I Lol'd at that xD
You're even more obsessed with Stargate then Death Note now, Are you? =3
UUHHHMMMMM...Nevermind About That, My Young Friend O_O;;; And May I Say, Jube Replica?
I like... RRMS and Jordie Rocks Godzilla3456's Socks
Oh My Gawd, Its Sanda! Back On Topic: Its An Abandoned Church! Maybe the Devil came and scared them away.
Talk about things to talk about.
Hey, don't get angry. So what? You spelt your name wrong and people are telling you to change It, not something to get angry about. If my name was spelt wrong and people were telling me to change It, I'd just say something smart back, like 'Oh? Its my unique way of spelling It =3' Maybe Its okay to get a little annoyed by It, but you don't say '**** STOP IT NOW!!' You say something calm like 'I know my name Is spelt wrong, unfortunately the Mods wont change It' Anywho, have you asked? Just please don't flame In this thread, Its supposed to be fun 8D Back On Topic: *Blink* O_O *Blink again* OMGAWD TIS CHASER!!! 8DD Hai Der
Lmao XDD Great Job Forsaken!! Yaaaay Pieee!!
I'd Eat J00 'Cause Your A Cuppycake =3