i ported it already this doesn't help always when he's walking or attacking or jumping it freezes
and what about me???
ummm or can some1 give me the digits and i make it myself? i just want normal sora has anti form outfit
can i have the code for sora has anti form outfit please
you don't have to it's okay
no problem. can i get the sora has wisdom outfit please EDIT: i've got it already ZEDC-T7CY-9U5EP JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 AXC4-XJ02-V0UBJ wow if you make a finisher he shoots while you're attacking!!O_O and here master form outfit thanks to Antiweapon for giving me that:D WTPT-M8C9-GYJ1W JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 BUJV-UAFA-5Z6KU
no please the only who is allowed to port this is mikael and evilman... but no the users with delta maker because it won't work and Jlhack is testing it
donald has a keyblade flying around him that can attck too QD6Z-H34H-6VNWD U01C-W1CW-KA2KA 1TAK-J36W-89U0H NERR-HGQV-PKDFJ 2UU2-AR3M-AX65C M7MZ-PX2A-NZMUB 8AJ3-6FXY-4YR63 i ported it
can some1 please port it correct
here have fun Normal Sora in Final Form Outfit 7EEY-PU96-J5386 JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 97TT-XFWP-YY41W Valor has Final Form's outfit 1AC2-GRAX-7HXZW 732X-KHC1-JMVN4 W3MP-PEKX-TQZHP oh and my ported version from halloween sora freezes when i am jumping can any1 port it correctly please
thank you and do you have the NTSC version of wisdom form outfit i port it then because when i ported final outfit it worked too here halloween sora MUPH-T7V0-5CCTE FX35-E2CY-XHDDV
then give me the code i port it and i need halloween sora please thanks if i get both codes
thanks for giving me that but i want normal sora with wisdom outfit not wisdom form and i found something kool if transform into final sora with halloween sora he will have that crone like in FM+ that's cool
wow but can this help us using it on the normal ps2? and can i get wisdom outfit please
can any1 give me the code so sora has wisdom outfit please? thanks in advance
can any1 give me the code so sora has wisdom outfit please?
neo moveset mod DW Roxas has FF moveset T2G4-XPZ3-FH8EV 1DTT-UFZM-J912H i ported it but i didn't tested it
in wich world was that
what does mean twin cannons what place is that or where is it when you fight xemnas?