The voting process for the awards have started. We have created a temp forum to host the awards and make it easier to count votes. The links below take you to the area to vote. Best Action - Best Emotional - Best Trailer - Best WMM - Best Effects - Best Non-KH Video - Best video - Best Editor - Most Improved - Good luck to all nominees and don't forget to vote.
They make some fine good pie. *DISCLAIMER* No humans were harmed in the making of this post, only emo's.
Well it's been just over a year since the User Portal has been around. And since then there has been many great videos by our users, so it's time to see which videos shines among them all. And you the users nominate and pick your favourites. Rules - You can only nominate winners of the Top 5 and no-one else (except for one of the categories) - You may nominate more then 1 person per category - Only one editor per category, so you can't pick 2 videos by the same person in the same category - You may nominate yourself - Up to 4 nominee's per category - Don't vote for yourself too much, nomination of just yourself is not allowed. Categories They are as follows: - Best Action - Which video got your heart racing the most? Best emotional - Which video touched you the most? Best trailer - Which video made the best trailer? Best WMM - Which video made the best use of the limited WMM? Best Effects - Which video made great use of effects? Best Non-KH video - This award is the only only one where the video didn't have to win the Top 5 to nominate, but the member who made it has to be a member of KHV. Best Video - Which video was the best in general? Best editor - Who is your favourite? Most Improved - Which editor has improved the most over the course of the year? That's the list, the videos you can choose from are in a link just below for your convenience. Remember anyone can nominate, so don't hesitate and nominate your favourites. Here are a list of videos you can pick from - Click Here You have until Jan 1st to pick your nominations. Good luck to all.
Here are the winners so far - Week 1 - Darkandroid: Dark Chest of Wonder - Nightwish | View Video Week 2 - khfreak87: Various Artists | View Video Week 3 - SalZa89: I've got the power | View Video Week 4 - SalZa89: Let it snow - Frank Sinatra | View Video Week 5 - MelbadelirothRose: Your Star - Evanscense | View Video Week 6 - kngdmhrts2: SexyBack - Justin Timberlake | View Video Week 7 - SalZa89: I Like The Way (You Move) - BodyRockers | View Video Week 8 - Oblivion_Master: Far Away - Nickelback | View Video Week 9 - SalZa89: Gravity of Love - Enigma | View Video Week 10 - Oblivion_Master: In the Shadows - The Rasmus | View Video Week 11 - crazymonkey91767: Stay With Me - Finch | View Video Week 12 - Thomas Daniel: Future Sanctuary Remix - DJ Valuemeal | View Video Week 13 - SalZa89: My Paper Heart - The All American Rejects | View Video Week 14 - khfreak87: Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park | View Video Week 15 - kairi_namine__sora_roxas: Lux Æterna - Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack | View Video Week 16 - Budds: Out of Control - Hoobastank | View Video Week 17 - Budds: Over My Head - Sum 41 | View Video Week 18 - HazHeartz: Faint (Remix) - Linkin Park View Video Week 19 - HazHeartz: We're All to Blame - Sum 41 | View Video Week 20 - Budds: Papercut - Linkin Park | View Video Week 21 - khfreak87: Dark Chest of Wonders - Nightwish | View Video Week 22 - soccernelly: Rebirthing - Skillet | View Video Week 23 - HazHeartz: What I've Done - Linkin Park | View Video Week 24 - khfreak87: Breath - Breaking Benjamin | View Video Week 25 - Budds: Tears Don't Fall - Bullet for My Valentine | View Video Week 26 - Darkandroid: Pieces - Sum 41 | View Video Week 27 - KHitsugaya: : All of Your Love - Hellogoodbye | View Video Week 28 - khfreak87: I Climb - Thousand Foot Krutch | View Video Week 29 - Budds & khfreak87: Phenomenon - Thousand Foot Krutch | View Video Week 30 - thatguy259: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Trailer | View Video Week 31 - KL93: Me Against the World - Simple Plan | View Video Week 32 - khfreak87: Breathing - Yellowcard | View Video Week 33 - QueensOfSuta: Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin | View Video Week 34 - khfreak87 & Budds: Time of Dying - Three Days Grace | View Video Week 35 - khfreak87: The Bourne Ultimatum Trailer | View Video Week 36 - Darkandroid, Doxyc, kikame, KL93, kevz2kool, Mustang and khfreak87: The KH-Vids MEP | View Video Week 37 - khfreak87: Bounce - Thousand Foot Krutch | View Video Week 38 - Buuds: Untitled - Simple Plan | View Video Week 39 - HazHeartz: Meant to Live - Switchfoot | View Video Week 40 - Stardust: We're All to Blame - Sum 41 | View Videp Week 41 - 10YingAndYang: Attack - 30 Seconds to Mars | View Video Week 42 - khfreak87: Falling Inside the Black - Skillet | View Video Week 43 - khfreak87: National Treasure: Book of Secrets trailer | View Video Week 44 - angelsinflight14: In Like a Lion (Always Winter) - Reliant K | View Video Week 45 - DarkenedSkys: ove Like Winter[/b] - AFI | View Video
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Here's the top five for this week. [top5number1]3dd0e6a2-9e81-4475-8e63-9a0101598399[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: DarkenedSkys | View Video Song: Love Like Winter by AFI This gets the number 1 spot for it's amazing flow. every is so fluid and the simple approach to editting worked wonders, in an era of more effects = better, this is a shining star showing that it isn't true. And it seems it was made in WMM which proves that you can make great videos on it. 2. Submitted By: FmaKnight22 | View Video Song: Apologize by Timbaland/One Republic A great emotional video. The use of in-game voices really added originality and more emotion to the video. Good connection to the song and good song choice, great job. 3. Submitted By: ThatDumakid | View Video Song: Stronger by Kayne West Was hesitant to put this in the top 5, but it's in here for it's sheer technicality, especially at the beginning, great use of effects, but my flaw with it is that I can't really see it working with Kingdom Hearts, the genre doesn't really go well, I think you could of picked a better song. 4. Submitted By: Verenth | View Video Song: Comatose by Skillets I Liked the song and lyrical connection, and had good timing, good job 5. Submitted By: roxygal321 | View Video Song: Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce This is in the top 5 because of the effort it must of taken to put into making it, WMM is a pain to use for long videos with good timing, but for a video of this length you must of had patience. And you had good timing and lyrical connection as well. Now for the special mentions Submitted By: Clawtooth35 | View Video Song: Aeris Theme by Final Fantasy VII Soundtrack This one gets a mention for it's good use of ingame voices. Submitted By: budds| View Video Song: Milkshake by Goodnight Nurse This ones gets a mention for it's well....uniqueness O.o and Lip-syncing. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Monday!
I got bored. <>
It's been nearly a year since the Top 5 has been around, so who here likes the idea of an awards to show the best of the best AMV made this year?
Well a DS game based around L. Must say there that is an awesome action scene.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Wait just a minute. This isn't Deathspank, well I'm his substitute for time he can't make it. Here's the top five for this week. [top5number1]ee637b9f-aee3-4131-b8fc-99f8017b6488[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: angelsinflight14 | View Video Song: In Like a Lion (Always Winter) by Reliant K A very good emotional video, great story, relation to the lyrics and good use of glow I must say. A great example of a very good video that isn't action based. Great job, very original. 2. Submitted By: ViNi | View Video Song: What I've Done by Linkin Park First of all very nice intro. I'm not really a a Linkin Park AMV fan, but this was an example of a good one, even though the overuse of the band annoys me, but to be fair I didn't use my dislike for LP AMV's affect my choice, you made a very good video. Well done. 3. Submitted By: Yashanyu1 | View Video Song: His World by Zebrahead Nice to see the a more original band, some nice effects, it was quite an entertaining, though not the best on a technical front, it was very enjoyable and that counts for quite a bit. 4. Submitted By: xosanctuaryox | View Video Song: Over my Head by The Fray Another good emotional video, the simple approach to effects was great for that sort of video, though a few more glows or slow flashes would of been nice, but beyond that it had a nice connection to the song. And overall enjoyable. 5. Submitted By: haelsyx | View Video Song: No Reason by Sum 41 Another entertaining videos, and I must say for a WMM video it was very good, you used the software well, congrats. But that's not all, I would like to add some special mentions, here are 2 videos that didn't make the list but deserve a mention to show appreciation for the effort they put into their videos. Submitted By: Xaale | View Video Song: How to Save a Life by The Fray This one gets a mention for it's story, though some of the scene/timing options I don't agree with, it was neither the less a nice effort Submitted By: 4a94f3ac | View Video Song: Don't be Late for Christmas by The Chipmunks This ones gets a mention for it's sheer originality, congrats on it's uniqueness. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Monday!
Because boy do I have a tale to tell. It was a typical Tuesday Night. It was the geeky Red Drawf night and it was the final series. (series 8) It started out as normal a few drinks while watching 4 episodes of Red Drawf and then ordering pizza. The someone in the group bought out a huge bunch of condoms. And no they weren't been used for their main purpose. We made balloons out of them and had a bit of a laugh with them. Then it went a bit further after we ate the pizza. Yep you guessed it water balloons. The first one we through out the window made some drunken ****s run away. But 20 minutes later we through another one no-one was around so we just wanted it to see one burst, but as luck would have it, it hit a Taxi right in the front windscreen. We quickly hide as the Taxi driver came out. The car appeared to be fine from what we could tell. So we continued to watch Red Drawf while in the process Dan (the one who through the water condom that hit the taxi) made another one to see how big he could make it, he filled it with hot water and expanded and exploded in the kitchen and soaked the kitchen and his clothes. So we had to get changed into the only clothes he had at his girlfriends, his Halloween costume. Which consisted of rips and fake blood on both the shirt and trousers. And also decided to place 2 balloons (proper ones not condoms) under his top and pretend to have boobies. (what a mature group we are =O) But just as the last episode started security and a policeman came in and asked who threw a water balloon. Apparently the water balloon cracked the Taxi drivers windscreen, which is quite shocking because we were only on the 3rd floor. So Dan confessed, in his Halloween costume, with lots of condoms and packets on the floor, a giant wet patch in the kitchen, and Dan with the fake boobs which he had to take out when the policeman asked him to stand up. (Not the best situation XD) But luckly it was all resolved with Dan having to pay for a new windscreen (about £200-300) and didn't have to be arrested. After the policeman left we all just burst into laughter at that shear luck of that happening and that fact Dan looked like that and the floor was covered in condom's. XD So the moral of the story is - Don't throw water condom's out of a 3rd floor building.
How ****ing dare anyone out there make fun of Risk, after all he's been though. He lost his premium status mulitple times. He had 2 ****ing kids and his wife turned out to be CFF and now he is going through a custody battle. All you care about are posts and getting more rep off of him. HE IS HUMAN. What you don't realise is that he is making you all this rep and all you do is post a bunch of crap about him. He hasn't appeared in months. LEAVE HIM ALONE. *cries* You are lucky he even posts for you *******s. LEAVE RISK ALONE. Please. When is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time. LEAVE RISK ALONE. PLEASE *cries* Leave risk alone right NOW. I mean it. Anyone who has a problem with him you deal with me because he's not well right now. *cries* Leave him alone. ------------- My apologies if this offends you. <>
For this reason XD
Mish is desperate.
£1 = 30 ballons 30 ballons + a gathering of students + waiting for Pizza = Ballon Dog.
It's Spitfires turn under the spotlight. Here are the rules. 1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedicated will be needed. 4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest. 5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. --------------------- So ask away.