I are a girl >>; Yeah, I know I've been gone a loooong time. Writer's block sux. But it's gone now! ^-^
At first I was wondering what you meant by that, but now I think I understand, lol. You mean like, everyone vs. Xangel and Xinaram? lol, that's not what I was thinking.
OOC: Omg, TwilightNight and I have opposite locations. She's behind you while I'm in front of you xD. So that's why I kept hearing footsteps behind me last night. The forum is having problems? It seems fine to me. x3 has anyone read my sig? I laughed so hard when I first saw that xD. =O Nameless org. has like, 10 seconds to rescue Xangel. IC: Xinaram opened a corridor of darkness and stepped through it, leading her to the roof of the castle, where she met Xadyn. "Hey," she greeted. "Hi," he responded. "Xadyn, we need to do something about Xangel. We have to get her back. I don't know what they plan to do with her, but we have to stop it." "I'm sure they're going to try and replace Axel with her. There wouldn't be any other reason of keeping her there... or alive." "Whatever, we just need to stop it." "Since we're not quite sure of what we're trying to stop, you go figure it out. There are other things I need to do." A smirk formed on Xinaram's face; when she looked up at her leader, her eyes shone with determination. "Will do." She said simply, before portalling off.
Second time posting in here x3. My boyfriend and his friend, who is also my friend, have very sick minds. They make sick and offensive jokes all of the time. That's not what bugs me though. I laugh with them and usually find it funny. What bugs me is that they sometimes cross the line, and it turns to harassment. I'll tell them to stop, that they're going too far or what have you, and most of the time they'll stop, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if they were serious. I'll usually get an answer out of my boyfriend, but his friend likes to keep me wondering. I just want to know how I can stop them from going that far, at least around me.
I really find this hard to believe. They might have taken an actual interview and added the part about BBS, but it is very unlikely that this is true. If Aqua IS their mother, though, Sora could have gotten his hair from his dad... xD lawl. I agree with Xiron. Nomura would have their heads if they let out that much info. EDIT: @Destiny's Force: Nomura hadn't thought of this part of the story yet when KH1 came out. He thought of this in the making of CoM, if I remember correctly.
I have a Gaia, but I only use it to talk to my friend Monika(she moved) and to kill boredom. There are other fishing spots, you know. They have better fish than guppies xD.
So, video games are violent. that doesn't mean you can be all, "z0mg, these terrorist extremists are violent, too! Video games must be to blame for everything!11!!!1eleven!" As Repliku said, only the mentally ill or unstable would be effected that much as to commit a crime because they saw Master Chief killing people and not getting punished for it.
New years isn't a very good date =/ A lot of people will have plans.
Welcome to KH-Vids. Enjoy your stay. But read the rules first. =3
xD I kept getting lost. The fights were easy, but it took me hours to find my way around.
Get a multi-colored one, duh. >_> As for a PS3 instead... You cant play PS2 games on that for crap. The graphics suck.
OOC: Sure. WOW I just got the best idea x3 I'll type it tomorrow though cause it's really late now.
0/10. I don't see it.
Omg xD That's so funny. I'm gonna have to try that x3
Just got OWNED.
I dislike slow music. Actually, let me rephrase that; I only like fast music. I'll listen to like, slower rock songs, but they get old pretty quickly to me. I dislike MOST(not all) rap, country, pop, hip-hop, R&B, etc. Mainly, I like any kind of rock, exept for most of the crap they play on the radio. With rap, I don't like most of what they rap about :/. Some of it is okay, but a lot of it is just sick. Pop is just too cheery. When it isn't all, "ZOMGMYLIFEISSOGREATYOUSHOULDHAVEALIFELIKEMINEOMGOMGOMG" it's more like, "aww, my life like totally sucks omg." Country... I just don't like, especially the singers with "Yee-haw"(for lack of a better description) voices. hip-hop and R&B... Hip hop seems too preppy for me, I guess, and R&B is too slow. Like I said, I listen to some songs other than rock, but I really perfer rock.
They're not the best band ever, but I really like a lot of their songs. And I love the musice video for "Famous Last Words"
LMAO. Yeah, what everyone else said. They're fine the way they are.
Yeah, the manga isn't that great. Some parts are just friggin' stupid, even though there were some parts that made me laugh. I also dislike how every enemy seems to die in one hit.
Yeah, I noticed that. It doesn't make much of a difference.