^ I Agree 100%^ Yeah...so....Jack Skellington.
I agree too. I kind of liked all the old Disney characters, but all of the new ones in the Disney channell shows...hate them.
Coffee and Cream chocolate...best flavor I've had.
Welcome to the forum! Read the rules, post alot and enjoy yourself. =]
KH2's storyline was kind of hard to follow, and some things looked thrown together. KH1 had a far better storyline.
Terra's name means earth/land. You're probably thinking of Ven.
Spatial Thinkers: Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world. Think well in three dimensions Have a flair for working with objects Other Spatial Thinkers include Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Isambard Kingdom Brunel Careers which suit Spatial Thinkers include Mechanic, Photographer, Artist, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Set designer
That's terrible! I feel so sorry for the family. And why is there a concrete floor in a place like this?
Welcome to the forums! Post alot and have fun ^^
10/10 You're already staff xD
I think you post there if you want to join a family, or myabe it's what Dark Roxas said...
O.O That's really great pixelling! You definatley have a talent. If you have any more of these, please post them ^^
Learning enough of a language to speak fluently in it is knowing the language. Truly understanding it would only be possible if you were a native speaker IMO.
My favorites are Treasured Memories from KHII, and any song from Halo.
Stories are funnier when they're told with a straight face. If the the person telling the story is laughing, it's like laughing at your own joke...
If life was a video game, we'd have strategy guides and no one would make mistakes. Life is a really boring video game though.
Yes, those video games are what does it! Now this just makes me scared to go to malls anymore. There was just a mall stabbing a week or so ago around where I live. People are just so...corrupt anymore.
Venus does have some Earth like features, but I don't think there will be any life there for a long time. Meh, it's lightning. I'm indifferent about it.
It looks great! And the new banner looks nice too.
His left arm should be longer, and since it is borderline between chibi and normal, his head could be made rounder and his body smaller. But otherwise it looks good.