Ok im here :D been long since ive been here.. so we hav a new mem eh??
Hello to whoevers here long time no see
Im pretty good hanging in there
hey hows it going?
hello to all hows it goin?
hello :D and watcha talkin bout?
hmm it kol this is a late gettin back to you XD
hello to all
o wow lolz XD
Ye that part was very funny XD
heh ye its so stupid its funny XD
Its ok kika :D im watchin borat very funny XD
Yea i can use it but cant get cast wet so i watch out for water and other things but wen i get this off ima be sooooo happy man heh
well its goin good i manage to do some stuff with this on so it hasnt completely brought me down heh
well it hasnt each as much as i thought it would
Yea im kinda tired myself to heh @Kikame im doin good happy that i get my cast off next wednsday
Hey kikame & Kiryu hows it going?
heh burn u also got a char from there The servent hes pretty kol heh
hello to whos here