30 stones = 420 lbs for all you americans out there.
Kitty likes fatties, eh? >D
Kitty wants me to make a Kitten riding a biycycle? :3
11 out of 10 8D tiabliajtiabliajtiabliajtiabliaj
I know not of this 'RvR' person you speak of. I dont even know where I am D: Is the a french hottie I see? ;D
Hey, I was clean before the 38 hour love session with a cat.
Both of you, explode. ......Nao
Well after I take the kittens in, I'd ship Kitty back to her homeland without questioning why she was in a box full of kittens. Sending chocolate along with her of course. Then I'd let them frolic with my little brother 8D
Draw Mish and her mom. More details shall be sent in PM :3
Or you guys could be 'life partners' <_>
Happiest day in mah life everz. *adds to teh siggy*
Exactly one month after yours lol.
18 xD;; It could happen x3
You pwn as a mother. I even wish you were my mom. .........Be my mom? =3
Rufus D: You'll always have me :3
Same here 8D *high fives*
Lookin good thar :3 It's good he had fun at the game though ^_^
Hi Bia~
Just forget it HB. You obviously dont :/