Well, the more light, the more dark...since without light, you can't have dark. Thus, you can't have one without the other...so the more light, there should be more dark...but since the heart is strong, it's able to restrain it...
Hmm...I can't decide between Sora and Kairi. Sora's face changed to be slightly skinnier, while Kairi's face and hair grew longer. So I suppose those two had the most. XD
Well, of course, the KHII Sora!! lol For one thing, the graphics are much better, thus, that version of him would be better than the previous one. His face is more defined, and he's just...more fit. XD
Xehanort, as everyone else has said. lol To be certain, just check the Ansem report in KHII.
Well, the Timeless River had its good and bad parts. I liked how everything was black and white, with like, a different version of Sora, Donald, and Goofy, but there was something about it all that was well...almost goofy. :sweatdrop: Although other than that...the whole concept was pretty cool.
This is a story I've co-written with my sister, like a year or two ago, and we had worked hard and long on it...so I hope you like it! :) Oh, and an important note, this is set in an alternate universe, filled with a mixture of characters and settings from games, animes, and other places. If you don't know any of those games/animes/etc., it doesn't matter, since everything will be introduced and described, as if new to the reader! Oh yeah, there will also be Japanese words...but the translation will be given at the top, if you have trouble knowing what it means. Anyway...I hope you enjoy it! == Prologue {Moshi moshi: ‘Hello’ over the phone} {Sayonara: Good-bye, often used when you will never see someone again, or not for a long time} RIIING! “Moshi moshi?” “Hey, it’s you-know-who! So, what’s up?” “Oh, hi, Sonic. Nothing really…well, actually, something big is happening…um…let’s see…how should I put this…” “Aw come on, what’s up with all this suspense?” “You don’t need to be so impatient about it, Sonic. But...it’s that…that I can’t speak to you anymore.” “What? Why? What’s going on?” “I have something…urgent…to do. And where I’m going – and doing –, it won’t be possible to talk to you. It would be too difficult, and besides…I’m not bringing a phone with me.” “But I could always e-mail you or something instead.” “I’m not going to bring a computer with me, either. Look, Sonic, there won’t be any way for us to communicate from where I’m going.” “You could at least tell me what you’re doing.” “…I’m trying to rid the world of evil.” “Oh, so you’re trying to be a heroine the same way I’m a hero, huh?” “This is different, Sonic. There’s this one person that’s almost beyond evil. I need to…hinder this person, in order to bring justice.” “You wouldn’t be trying to kill this person or anything, would you?” “Sonic…I really have to go now…” “No, don’t go yet…” “Look, I can’t let this person bring havoc into anybody else’s lives. I have no other choice.” “Well, where are you going? Maybe I can visit you sometime.” “I’ll be moving from place to place frequently, in order to pursue this person…so, the only way we’ll be able to see each other again, is if our paths cross.” “…But if not…just know that…I’ll never forget you. Sayonara.” “Sayonara.” CLICK! Chapter One {Kaitou: Thief} {Konnichi Wa: How are you?} {Oyasumi: Good night} ~Sonic's POV (Point of View) ~ I really want to see her again… “Hey, Sonic, how long are you gonna be moping around up there?” My best friend, Dark Mousy, was looking up out our apartment window at me lying down on top of the roof with my hands behind my head. As I continued gazing up at the sky, I said flatly, “I’m not moping, Dark. I’ve just had a lot on my mind. Not to mention, I’m really bored…” The blue, cloudless sky made me think back to the time when I was visiting Arcadia, a whole world that’s located in the sky. There are six moons, and a continent exists under each one of them. The only way to travel from one country to another is by flying across the vast sky, using ships that are fueled by powerful objects known as Moonstones. In Arcadia, there are several people who are part of a group that’s called Blue Rogues. They rob from armed ships that are larger than their own, and they always take pride in their actions. They keep the gold for themselves, until they need to use it to aid the poor. I sat up and then jumped through the open window back into our apartment room. Four years ago, I wasn’t living here on earth. Instead, I lived in a different dimension. I’d been there all my life, until my archenemy, Doctor Ivo Robotnik a.k.a. Eggman, managed to gather seven, powerful gems called Chaos Emeralds. He was about to use them to create a dangerous weapon that could help him conquer the world. So, as usual, my friends, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and I infiltrated his base and tried to thwart his evil plans. Unfortunately, in the middle of our fight, Eggman accidentally pressed a button on his base’s control panel, and the next thing I knew my friends, Eggman, and I were transported to this planet, Earth. Somehow, even the Chaos Emeralds had been scattered around here as well. So we’ve all been living our own separate lives here on earth for four years. Eggman hasn’t caused any trouble yet, but I’ll bet he’s probably just scheming his next plan to take over the world. Standing in the apartment room, I saw that Dark was sitting on a chair, flicking through the channels on the television, with a bored expression. Dark knows all about where I used to live and how I was transported to earth. He’s even let me share his apartment room since I didn’t have anywhere else to stay. He had short, purple, layered hair, long bangs, and his front strands went a little past his shoulders. He’s Japanese (like me), has amethyst-colored eyes, a light tan, and broad shoulders. The weird thing is that, I’ve known him for about four years, but in all that time, it never seems like he gets any older, and he always looks to be about the same age of seventeen. He glanced at me sideways from where he was sitting. “Hey, you’re finally back in here. So…since you’re bored, why don’t we go pick up some girls or something?” He smiled playfully. “That’s always fun for me.” That’s typical for Dark to say, since he’s always flirting with a bunch of different girls and casually dating them. But then, I started to think about what we could do today. I’ve always hated being bored. I have a lot of free time since I don’t attend school. There were never any schools from where I came from. People there got their education from life experience and from what our parents or any other adults had to teach us. So, since I’m already doing pretty well without going to school, there’s no need for me to start going there now. As for Dark, he’s told me that, in a way, he’s already graduated. I find that to be kind of odd, actually. How could he have already graduated when he’s only seventeen? He’s definitely not a genius or anything. Maybe he’s actually older than I thought. For some reason, I’ve never thought to ask about his age…oh, well. I’m still bored… Just then, I remembered one of my friends, Vyse, who lives in Arcadia on his base, Crescent Isle. He’s such a good captain of his Blue Rogues’ crew that he’s known as the King of Rogues. He’s always telling me how awesome it is, and since he thinks I actually have what it takes to be a Blue Rogue, I should seriously think about joining. My eyes lit up with excitement, as I was prepared to tell Dark about our next plan of adventure… ~Dark's POV~ Somehow, Sonic convinced me that it would be a great idea for us to travel up to the skies of Arcadia, so we could try out being a part of his friend, Vyse’s, crew. Sonic had called Vyse on his cell phone and told him all about how he and I wanted to join his group. Vyse said it was fine, and all we had to do was fly to his Arcadian base, Crescent Isle, and talk more about it with him or any member of his crew. Since I have the power to make black wings appear on my back, I know how to fly, among other things. Of course, I never reveal any of my special powers, unlike Sonic, who carelessly flaunts his super speed and his other speed-based powers. Anyway, the only way for us to fly up to Arcadia is if I flew us up there at night, where no one would be able to see us clearly. As I carried him up, I complained, “Wow, you’re so heavy, Sonikku!" Sonikku was a nickname that only his close friends, like me, knows. “Hey, I am not! You probably just don’t have enough strength in your arms.” He sighed impatiently. “So, are we there yet?” “No,” I responded. “And since your heaviness is slowing me down, we won’t be there for a while! So quit whining.” ~Kanna's POV~ Macchi, Mari, and I were at the Crescent Isle village, waiting for the two new Blue Rogue recruits to arrive. “Kanna, when are they going to come?” Macchi asked me impatiently. “How should I know?” I retorted. “Captain Vyse didn’t say anything about it.” “Mari’s bored...” Mari sighed. Fidgeting nervously, she then remarked, “They’ll dislike Mari...” “Why would you think that?” Macchi asked, incredulously. “You’re a great person!” “You know why,” Mari said. “Besides..." Her eyes gazed down at the floor. "...They’re going to dislike the way Mari talks, too...” “Well, I don’t care,” I defended, fiercely. "Doesn't that count for anything?" "But," she objected, “that’s because you understand Mari.” Sighing, I shook my head. Once she had her mind set, she wouldn't believe anything I said. Marion Phauna, Mathilda Matisse, and I, Kanna Bismarch, had always traveled together because of our similarities. Well...we weren’t actually all that similar. For one thing, we were all born in different countries. Mari came from Italy, Macchi came from England, and I came from Germany. Secondly, Marion almost always spoke in third person, often using her nickname ‘Mari.’ Thirdly, Macchi was the most excited person among us, contrast to Mari and me, who were more reserved and cautious. Of course, Mari was quieter than I was, as she often refrained from speaking. Anyhow, we were alike because we all shared the same dilemma, which is a long story, so I won’t get into it right now. “You know, we’ve been waiting all morning," Macchi whined, "and they still haven’t shown up!” “I know,” I agreed. “We haven’t even eaten breakfast...but what can we do about that?" The only reason we were actually sticking around here was that every time we wanted to leave, Captain always managed to pop his head in and wheedle, “Stay a little longer! They’ll show up soon!” “We might as well leave," I sighed. "Apparently, they decided to stand us up, or Captain made a mistake with the time, place, or date.” “Mari thinks," she began, slowly, "we should wait just for a little bit longer." “But we’ve been out here since seven A.M., and no one’s showing up!” I exclaimed, exasperated. “How many hours have we been here exactly?” “For about fourteen...” she answered, quietly, her shoulders drooping downward dejectedly. “See? We’ve been here long enough!" I said, peremptorily. "So let's go!" At that moment, we heard footsteps on the hard pavement, heading towards us, and we all turned around to see two boys. The first one had a crazy purple hairstyle, with his front bangs being longer than the rest of his hair, with amethyst colored eyes. He was dressed in black, and he was wearing a cool, leather jacket. The other was a skinny dude with big emerald green eyes, and blue hair that was tied as a low ponytail that reached his waist. He wore a rock t-shirt with blue jeans and white gloves, and his youthful face bore a serious expression. “I’m assuming you two are the new Blue Rogue recruits?” I inquired, trying to hide the tone of boredom lacing my voice. The guy with the leather jacket flashed us a smile. “Yeah. We didn’t keep you three waiting too long, did we?” His voice was deep and sounded somewhat sexy. “No, not at all," I said, as a sarcastic smirk began to play on my face. "We waited for only about fourteen hours." “Well, I’m really sorry,” he apologized. “But I hope we can make it up to you somehow.” “Well, while you think about that," I said, as I turned away from him, "just come with us." ~Sonic's POV~ The three girls, who introduced themselves as Macchi, Marion, and Kanna, informed us that Captain Vyse was busy today, and they were substituting for him. Kanna had waist-length blue hair, purple eyes, and a black tattoo on the upper part of her right arm. Her black tube-top and shorts fitted her curvaceous body well, and she wore small gloves and boots that almost went up to her knees. She was also holding a cigarette in her hand. Man, we’re all gonna have to inhale her second-hand smoke! Actually…I don’t really smell any smoke…maybe she has one of those odorless cigarettes…that is, if there actually is such a thing as one of those. Anyway, Macchi had her short orange hair put up in pigtails, she had purple eyes, she wore black overalls with a white blouse underneath it, and she was holding a broomstick. I have no idea why she’s holding it for, though… Marion had green, solemn eyes, and her long, blonde hair was tied with a black, white-edged cloth in pigtails. She wore a black, sleeveless dress with white edges and white stockings. The strangest thing about her was that she was holding this doll that looked like the one in the movie, Chuck. They led us into a meeting room and when we entered, Kanna said, “Your Blue Rogues clothes are on top of that table over there.” She gestured to the two outfits on the table. “So go change into them, and then we’ll inform you about your duties.” The three walked out of the room, leaving us alone to try it on. It was kinda strange to be trying on clothes in the meeting room…but oh well… Mines was a red jacket with the sleeves slightly rolled back, along with black pants and knee-high black boots. I thought it looked pretty cool. Dark wore a long black coat with a brown ruffle at the neck, and he had black pants and the same boots as mines. But unlike me, he didn’t really like it, so he changed back to his regular clothes. As we walked out the room, we saw that the three were standing outside, waiting for us. Kanna was looking bored, with her arms crossed, and she was leaning against a wall. Macchi’s friendly face now had a slightly bored expression as well, and Marion looked like she was sad about something. But then again, when I first saw her, she was always looking pretty down. Dark said to them, “Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but I decided that I just wanted to stick to my own clothes instead.” Kanna said, her voice, deep, mature, “I don’t really care whether you wear it or not. It’s the Captain you have to worry about. Anyhow, since you’re a Blue Rogue, you have to listen to the ‘Six Codes of the Blue Rogues’. But since it’s sort of long, I’ll just summarize it for you: Be audacious, don’t pick fights with opponents weaker than you are, take treasures gratefully, and never give up.” That all sounds just too easy for me! “Heh, that’s really all we need to do in order to join?” I asked. “Yeah," Kanna nodded, "that’s pretty much it.” Macchi exclaimed, “So welcome to Vyse’s Blue Rogues crew!” ~Dark's POV~ Kanna, Macchi, and Marion had given us a tour of the whole base, and now they had just shown us the room that Sonic and I were sharing. Right before they were leaving, however, I said to them, “I hope I’ll be seeing a lot more of you three later.” When the three were out of earshot, Sonic commented to me, “You’re always flirting with every girl you see. Are you ever gonna try settling for one person?” I said playfully, “Why would I wanna settle down so fast when there are so many different girls out there for me?” Actually, the truth is, I wouldn’t mind staying with one girl, if I loved her. But I don’t let myself fall in love with anyone, because it could be…somewhat dangerous for me. Another thing that’s dangerous for me is shedding a single tear… As Sonic and I walked into our room, he said with a smile, “Heh, isn’t this room da bomb?!” The room had a wooden floor, an auburn dresser, a chestnut-colored desk, and a fluffy bunk bed with blue covers. In the small square window in a corner of the room, I could see that it was nighttime outside. A little girl, who looked about five, with a black afro, dark skin, and dark eyes, was sitting on the bed. She wore an orange dress and had three yellow bracelets on her ankles. "Hi!” she greeted, her voice high and squeaky. “Hey, ‘sup?” Sonic exclaimed, the grin still plastered to his face. “Sup???? Supper? I already had supper,” the kid innocently remarked. As I tried not to laugh, Sonic corrected, “Nah, I mean, like what’s up? How’s it goin’? You know?” The kid’s eyes grew wide. “Ohhh….Well, not much is happening right now.” “Heh, heh. So what’s your name? I’m Sonic," he said, before gesturing to me, "and this here is Dark." “I’m Opacho," she said, smiling. "So did you two have dinner already?” “Nope, not yet," Sonic replied. "But I’m not really that hungry right now." “Oh, okay," Opacho nodded. "I ate already though...” This conversation was getting just a bit too boring for me, so I waved to them both goodbye and left the room. Now what? I suppose I couuld walk around for a bit and try to get to know the rest of Vyse’s crew... ~Sonic's POV~ It’s been ten minutes already, and Opacho and I were still talking about supper. Just talking about it started to make me feel hungry, so I asked, “Hey, speaking of dinner, do you wanna get something to eat now?” Opacho shook her head. “Not yet. Let’s just wait for a while.” Wait for a while? Why? Just then, I heard the door creak open from behind me. Huh, guess Dark came back. I started to turn around. “Yo, Dark, you’re–” I stopped short. Oops, that’s not Dark. Instead, standing in front of the doorway was a Japanese boy of about thirteen, with long, dark hair that reached down to his waist. He had dark eyes, and he was wearing a long white poncho that almost went all the way to his ankles. He was wearing brown pants underneath, and his hard red, block-edged shoes had two circles at the edge with the words ‘Hao’ imprinted on them. He wore thick red half-finger gloves that went up to his elbows, and there was a large white star printed across the knuckles. He was also wearing red earrings with a white star in the center of a black circle. Opacho happily squeaked, “Hao-sama!” She ran towards him, and he smiled, saying with a slightly high-pitched voice, “Opacho! Were you waiting for me?” Opacho nodded her small head eagerly. “Yep!” “Yo!” I waved to him. Turning to me, he flashed me a smile. “Hello.” “So your name’s, Hao, huh?” I remarked. “Yes, I am Hao Asakura,” he said, nodding. “And you are Sonic Harinezumi, although your close friends call you Sonikku...correct?” Whoa, how in the world does he know all that about me?! I chuckled a bit uneasily. “You been spying on me or something?” I said with a hint of sarcasm. “Now, why would I want to do that?" he asked, almost matter-of-factly. "I'm just...let's say...quite knowledgeable..." He turned to Opacho. “Well, let’s get going then, Opacho.” The two walked out, and I watched them leave, a tentative smile on my lips. Huh, that Hao is probably gonna turn out to be a pretty interesting character… ~Dark's POV~ It was midnight, and I was just coming back into my room after I’d stolen this ancient-looking, silver bracelet from the museum. Stealing it was actually quite easy, despite the fact that there were several police officers around. They always know what I’m going to steal next because I like to give them a little head start by leaving behind advance notices. They’ve been trying to catch me for years, but they’ll never succeed. When I go out to steal those things, I keep my identity a secret, and my alias is the great phantom thief, Koku-yoku, which means ‘black wings’ in Japanese. As Koku-yoku, I can openly use my special powers, and the only thing is that I can’t let anybody see how I look like, so I always do this when it’s dark. Of course, since Sonic is my best friend, he’s the only one who knows about all this. I’ve told him that the thing is, except for a few exceptions, I’ve only stolen works of art that a family, under the name, Hikari, had created. They always create art that’s enchanted with magical properties. But they’re always put in museums and other particular public places without anyone ever realizing its powers. If its magic was ever accidentally triggered, it might be dangerous for others, so as my secret identity as a kaitou, I always steal them from people or places that own Hikari works of art. …Or, at least, that’s the reason for stealing that I gave to Sonic… I put the bracelet in a drawer and closed it quietly. Nearby, I noticed Sonic was sleeping comfortably at the top of the bunk bed. Guess I gotta sleep at the bottom instead. As I settled into my bed, Opacho quietly scampered into the room. “Konnichi wa, Dark!” she squeaked a greeting. “Yo…” I said, sleepily. She examined Sonic and me sleeping in the bunk beds and asked, “Do you wanna share with me or not?” I was really tired, so I just mumbled, my eyes half-closed, “Yeah…” Opacho quickly bounced onto the lower bunk bed, jolting me awake. I slowly rose up on my elbows and asked, “Can’t you sleep up there with Sonic instead?” With big, innocent eyes, she protested, “But you said we could share!” “All right, all right,” I relented. “Oyasumi.” As I lay back down, I was about to close my eyes, when I noticed she was still sitting up. "Are you waiting for someone, or somethin’?” I inquired. She happily nodded, and I continued, “Who would that be?” “Hao-sama!” she happily squeaked. “You mean we have another roommate here?” I asked, incredulously. She nodded. “Yep! Is something wrong?” “No...not really.” As I was drifting off to sleep, I heard the door opening and someone silently stepping in. I heard someone approaching and whispering, “Opacho, do you want to sleep with him?” After a few seconds, he said, “Alright, then. I hope he has…” He didn’t complete his sentence, but I didn’t really care. But just then, I felt someone getting onto the bed, crowding up everything. Man, why couldn’t this person sleep up where Sonic is instead?! “That’s because Opacho is here...” Huh? Did I say that aloud? I couldn’t think any further about it, because I was starting to drift off to sleep...
Lightning flashes through the sky He’s like a swift tiger He pounces on his prey And eats it whole Accompanied with the beat of drums Lightning is the star of the show With his bright incandescence And his flashy appearance Lightning strikes at whim Wherever, whenever Hurting anything who crosses his path Choking the life out of them all With only a touch All he needs is one look And the victim’s down Dead, never to awaken Lightning laughs At those who oppose He only needs to point a finger And down he goes Now the clouds moves him away To a different place And lightning can’t wait To start again == Believe it or not, this was a poem for an English assignment. XD Hope it was done well enough... :)
That sounds interesting actually...I can't wait to see when it comes out. :)
That's the most reasonable assumption. :)
Awesome job! Love the color changes, great work! :) :glomp:
Since you know the drill...welcome! :D Need anything, pm me or any of the staff! :) :glomp: Enjoy your stay here! :)
Since you know the drill...welcome! :D Need anything, pm me or any of the staff! :) :glomp: And it's nice to see someone who loves heartless, instead of just the Nobodies! lol Anyway, enjoy your stay here! :)
Hmm...you seem familiar...but I can't quite remember you, gomenasai. :sweatdrop: Welcome back anyway!
I disagree with the idea, since the RPG arena is supposed to be like the Spam Zone, plus, not all of the users' first language is English...but I agree with Repliku's subforum idea. :)
*gasp* Someone else who knows about Finger Eleven! XP lol Well, they're pretty good...although I got a bit tired of them I have to admit...
I have to totally agree with what eastercat said. XD Although I'm not so sure if I wanna try it out...it might just waste my time, if it's not so good...
Well, basically like Orange said, Santa's heart isn't of purely light, so that means he would be capable of turning into a heartless. Since he's strong-hearted though, and as Maleficient said, he would be quite a strong one...
Ooh, this sounds interesting! Uh, Larxene and Zexion please. :)