OOC: YAY!! Oh, I was looking at peoples' auras in first hour today. We had a congressional hearing about WWI, and my role was a socialist anti-war old geezer (Eugene Debs, I had fun being rude to the 'pompous congressmen'). They were interesting, I could feel the tension as the debates rose xDD. Rei looked over at Tifa interestingly, a sly look upon her face. "That is a very strong possibility..." Laughing a little, she thought about the next day as well. "Hmm, movies sounds good. Maybe we can invite Angel too, make her spill the beans about her and Aaron. And we have to go see Willie, of course." At this, Rei giggled more, already excited to go see her cat. Straightening out her body, Rei winked and closed her eyes. Almost instantly now, the aura behind her closed lids began to form. It had been gradually getting to stronger, to her contentment. Searching about, she made it past her own dorm and traveled towards where Axel had said his was. Finding the room number, she 'crept' inside. It had a peculiar aura about it, one pertaining to a strong scent. Sniffing, Rei detected a vanilla smell. It wasn't long before she noticed Axel laying in bed, his arm extended. The fire from the dwindling candles joined on the ceiling to form a broken heart. Rei frowned, confused by this as he let it go and relaxed his arm. Suddenly, the room swirled into a lighter scene, sunlight drifting in. ... did time just change? It was indeed odd, and it had never happened before. Well, drifting around the room, she found a clock that read the present time. Opening her eyes slowly, Rei cleared her throat and looked at Tifa. "That was weird, it was like a time interval... well, at first it was nightime, and then it cleared and returned to now. So... I saw the past?"
OOC: Haha, ya. Rei turned to Tifa, smiling as she walked up to the couch and leaned against the back of it. "Not really, we just agreed on the afternoon. But I bet he slept in a bit, we were up 'till about 2 o'clock in the morning with video games." Rei looked at Cloud curiously, thinking back to what Tifa had said earlier. She grinned crookedly, folding her arms on the back of the couch and resting her chin on them.
OOC: About her not knowing him super well? Haha, I'm terrible at these guessing games :p. Yay, now Axel will wake up, talk to his guy friends, and then come get Rei ^^. Rei sustained a girlish giggle, now that Cloud was here, and stepped aside. "Come on in, Cloud. And we'll keep the girl talk to minimum, of course." Once he was inside, Rei closed the door casually and gave a small sigh. She quickly glanced at her watch, which it was now around 1:30. She yawned a little. She should have gotten a little more sleep, seeing as how she was up so late.
OOC: I'm in Michigan, what about you? :D "That's good," Larpex said, grinning. "Come on, let's go." She began to run behind Toxcst, her long, red hair flapping in the wind.
OOC: Hey, me too! ^^ Well, see ya
OOC: Yeah, sure ^^ She's asleep under some trees on the trail the leads to the cliff. Larpex giggled, looking up as Toxcst scaled the castle. "Show off!" she joked. Looking back at Abexecca and Xandlei, she shrugged. "You guys hold tight now, 'kay?" She took both of their hands and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her dark blue eyes were more of a neon-blue hue, and she smiled. "Going up!" With a blink of an eye, Larpex had already taken her cloaking technique and used it to travel across the water molecules in the air. She focused so as to not lose the pieces of their bodies, constantly moving. Once she was sure every molecule had arrived inside the castle, she undid the transformation. Their feet were upon the floor of an upstairs room, and the other to were a bit shaken up. "I guess I should have warned you guys, it can make you a little queasy." Explanation: Larpex uses the water molecules in the air to cloak herself and remain hidden battle. She can also use it to travel, because she has to constantly be moving so parts of her don't evaporate. She's invisible when she does this.
OOC: Well, she could go talk to Roxas, but Zexion, Vexen, and Xangel are there. And Larxene is fighting O.o heehee, that's why I have no ideas ^^. Just waitin for Captain. He's here tho, yay!
It's all very complex, I'm sure Nomura isn't quite positive on it either. He needs to be asked xD. Anyway, I think they can bleed. The game shows them breathing, like after Roxas fights Axel and he's breathing heavily ("Let's meet again, in the next life." ). So their bodies function like a 'somebody's', and like Twilight mentioned, they eat and such. I also see emotion through one's heart as a symbolic gesture. It's a state of mind. The actual heart is a blood-pumping organ and is necessary for life. Plus, Nobodies are what's left after one's 'heart' and soul are gone. The heart goes to Kingdom Hearts, and the soul just leaves (Heaven, Hell, non-existance, whatever you believe). If your 'conscience' and your capability to feel emotion are gone, you are a Nobody. And plus, when the soul leaves, I think it's natural for the body to alter slightly. Because your soul defines who you are. Without it, your vessel isn't you anymore. So it's automatic that what you leave behind will only be like you instead of the full-blown 'you'. That's what I think, take it or leave it :D.
OOC: Lalalalalalala..... spam and eggs. Anywho, I have no ideas for Reixa when she wakes up yet, so yeah. And Captain, did you see my reply? It's back there somewhere ^^;
OOC: That's ok, Gatekeeper. I'm a little stressed too. "No doubt, Willie's probably bored at home anyhow. Hey, maybe tomorrow, since it's Sunday and all, I don't have plans. How about you?" Just then, Rei heard a loud knocking on the door. Rei looked back at Tifa and smiled, jumping off the couch and doing a quick mirror check before going to the door. Could it be... Axel? Rei opened the door nonchalantly, but instead of vibrant red hair, she immediately recognized Cloud. Blinking, she let out a deep breath and smiled. "Hey Cloud, looking for Tifa?" Rei looked over her shoulder, raising her eyebrows teasingly at her at an angle where Cloud couldn't see her face. Aaron finally finished his cheeseburger, tossing the wrapper into a nearby trash can. Grasping his Mountain Dew, he smiled again at Angel and laughed a little when he sucked on the straw, only to hear the "I'm empty" sound. Pulling it away, she shrugged. "Guess I drank more than I thought." Placing the cup back down on the table, he sighed, full.
OOC: The 'you could say I moved' part? Yeah, I know most of the story. Sephiroth killed her father to talk to his dead mother, which I still don't get that weirdo. Kinda awkward, with Cloud and everything, no that I think about it. Cloud and Tifa ...or was it the weinus? O.o lol Rei looked at Tifa apologetically, and didn't say anything for a while. After a few minutes of dreaded silence, she broke it and sighed. "...I never knew my biological mom, she died when I was really little. But my dad met Aaron's mom, and so she's really the only mom I've ever known. There used to be a lot of pictures of her around the house when I was younger, but I think my dad eventually started putting them away. I never knew why though, it was either he was more happy with his new family, or he couldn't stand looking at her anymore. And the funny thing is, I was never really close to my parents, it was mostly me and Aaron. Heh, and when I was twelve, he got me Willie from some people down the street that had kittens. It makes me wish they allowed pets here." Rei smiled at the end of her heartfelt tale, shrugging.
OOC: Well, at least Rei's gotten that far xD. Just gotta bring him into the light, ya see? No? Well, it makes sense in my head. ^_^ "Really?" Rei asked, bewildered. "Then where did that head of hair come from?!" Rei's breathing became more steady after calming her body down, resting against her withdrawn pillow. She had noticed some uncomfortable feeling in Tifa when she had mentioned her hometown. "... What's it like there? In Midgar?" Rei stopped, thinking over her question. Maybe it hadn't been so hot to ask. "You don't have to talk about if you don't want to." Sighing, Rei took Tifa's hand and smiled. "Sorry if I upset you somehow."
OOC: Thanks, CG ^^. And yeah, I'm gonna put some actual pic of me under an album like "Pics of the Author" or something cheesy like that :p. I have some cool ones from lately, and stuff like that :D. The Dream O.o Heehee...
OOC: It's just "Rei" in this one :D I'm gonna have Aaron call Rei by her full name sometime and it'll be hilarious.
OOC: Whoo, that was exhilarating xD And the whole sadistic-ness (prolly not even a word) cracked me up. Now I get your hint, about when he said that nothing was at the bottom but reality O.o Reixa barely had any time to think before the dream Axel had pushed her over the edge. Wind whipped at her face as her feet left the solid ground, her ears ringing. It was exhilarating, the feeling of falling. It was like the rest of the world was carrying on with its business and suddenly stopped, or even vanished, and all that was left was nothing. So she fell, down and down, seeing a glimpse of the Axel as he began to drift away. Her body turned a few times in the air, and the valley below grew closer by the millisecond. Reixa closed her eyes, her stomach churning as she opened her eyes slightly as she met what would have been a painful end, if it had not been a dream. ********************************************* Reixa sat up instantly, a cold sweep of wind blowing against her cheeks in the dark night. She looked around, noticing the moon shining brightly in the sky. The only thing there was the moon, no one else. Breathing unsteadily, Reixa looked down at the ground beneath her. The cliff looked like it had before, no cracks, no sign of disturbance. Standing, Reixa backed into a tree, resting against it. Had she been asleep, or unconscious? Whatever it had been, it had left her light-headed and drowsy. Taking a deep breath, she stood up straight and slowly began walking back when her knees became wobbly and gave way. Reixa fell with a thud on her hands and knees, exhausted. Looking over, she saw a thick patch of trees and dragged herself towards them. Resting and lying down, she figured she might as well sleep here, not that the trees would mind.
"Haha, sure. You can't wait for Cloud's weinus." Rei hit the tired Tifa with her pillow while she was down, giggling more. "It's actually your elbow skin, nothing gets past you. Buuuut... who doesn't think about that with their love interest, hmm? Especially today, as you said, he'll be wet, probably glistening and shiny. Who knows, maybe I'll get another peek at his weinus." Rei hit Tifa one more time, exhausted herself. "Besides, I still have some tricks up my sleeve. Heh, imagine what we can talk about tomorrow!" Rei started laughing, plopping backwards onto the cushioned couch from tiredness. Still thinking about more stuff to do today, she looked up. "You know, my family lives on Sunset Hill. But it's just my parents and my cat, Willie. Just a side thing, I could show him which house is mine. You know, the big yellow-bricked one with the triangular green roof? That one tower-ish annex was my hangout." Rei thought about how she used to play back there, do drawing while looking out the window at the train tracks... "I wonder where he used to live."
OOC: Traverse Town and the bathroom?! xDDD!! "Reixa felt his warm, sultry lips against hers for a brief moment, looking up at him curiously as he spoke with his eyes shut. His voice became more scratchy, like how Axel's used to be. But then it returned to a calm, lofty tone after he was finished. Looking up at him with amazement and a little confusion, Reixa touched the hand he held her face with. "Wait?... For what?" She took a deep breath, waiting patiently for an answer. Did she have to wait... to wake up? To possibly see him again?
Rei laughed as Tifa hit her repeatedly with the soft pillow. It made her chest hurt, breathing heavily afterwards from trying to block. But when she began talking about Axel, bare chested and in trunks, and how Larxene had seen it first, Rei picked up her piillow again and bonked her on the head, giggling. "Hey, that's not fair game! And yes, as a matter of fact, he does know." Then, Rei grinned evilly, thinking of a little revenge for Tifa's little chit-chat from before. "Oh, and what about you? Cloud'll be waiting for you, all ready and naaaaaaked! Imagine that!" Thinking of this made Rei burst into laughter, thinking of a joke an old science teacher had told her class. "Guess what? I've seen Axel's weinus, multiple times!" This sent her into a laughing fit, waiting for Tifa's reaction.
OOC: I'm gonna guess, the real Axel comes a comin'! That ould be cool ^^. If not, I wanna see what happens. Reixa smiled again, blinking once slowly. "I'm glad to hear that. I hope he can truly feel happy now. And not just a hollow memory, wither. Something real." Thinking about his statement about the moon and stars, she looked up a little, seeing the formation of the moon beginning to glow. "I... have a connection with the moon too. Maybe that's all I really need to do, was to listen to the moon instead of just look at it. Maybe that tells me something about myself." Reixa looked back down again, but tought about his second question. "I'm not completely up to date with it, but Roxas was a mess after he found out. But I was there too, and we calmed down after a while. I guess he felt a little responsible, falling asleep while watching you. As for Larxene... last I knew she was attempting some hair-brained scheme and was fighting our Superior. But that's all I know."
Rei laughed as Tifa squealed, joining her like two little girls. She smiled widely, hugging her knees again. "What are we, fangirls?" Taking the pillow in her hands, she smacked Tifa with it. "Haha!" Sitting back, she sighed again, thinking about the date that would be coming soon. "Well, we agreed to dutch it, I'm getting the ice cream, he's getting pretzels. I guess I want to walk on the beach and talk, and maybe do some swimming in the ocean." Rei started thinking about walking on the soft sand, watching the sunset. "Maybe earlier in the day, we can walk through the tunnels for fun. Oh, we could go pretty fast skating down some of the slopes in there. And... go to Sunset Hill..."Giggling again, she looked up and began shielding herself from a retaliation pillow attack that she was expecting. OOC: Hey, look at my pink heart for a bit, then quickly look at my avatar. See what ya see ^^.