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  1. Amber
    it's almost 5 am.. I've been up all night... and I don't feel tired.

    edit: right after i posted this i started getting really tired.. So i'm gonna go to bed now...
    Thread by: Amber, Dec 8, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Amber
    I keep trying to upload my avatar, but it won't show up.

    This is my current avatar: [​IMG]
    And this is what i want to change it to: [​IMG]

    I click browse, find the right avvy, and click ok, then it goes back to my page and it's still the old one. I've tried it several times, but it's not working!

    EDIT: Nvr mind it got fixed.
    Thread by: Amber, Dec 3, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Amber
    I made a thread and put pictures into it, not realizing their huge size. Well now I've resized them, but it won't let me scroll over far enough to edit the post.

    Here is the thread.
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 29, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Amber
    EDIT: New one at the bottom!!!

    In the order I did them:


    (Nov. 5) Yes I am painfully aware that his face is yellow... I shall never make that mistake again....


    (Nov. 27) I really like this one...


    (Nov. 29) And this is my favorite one. He's like "Ooh look! A butterfly!"


    (Dec. 9) Merry Christmas! :)
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 29, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Amber
    I've suddenly been inspired!


    Chapter I

    Amber was on the computer, talking to her best friend on msn. She was also hanging out on KH-Vids, a website she visited often. She checked some other sites, deviantART, Youtube, etc. Her creations were doing well. It was a pretty good morning.... so far.

    She was having a blast hanging out online, when her mom told her to get off the computer. Ugh, no fair Amber thought as she said goodbye to all her friends and logged off. Her mom came in and told her she needed to babysit her younger brothers while she went to some sort of meeting. Amber thought about it. Alex and Scott were taking a nap, and Ryan was playing video games. Simple enough, Amber accepted. Not that she really had a choice, but whatever.

    Amber was in the kitchen, looking for something to make for dinner, when she heard a strange whooshing noise, followed by Ryan screaming. She dashed into the living room, only to see a cloaked figure trying to grab her brother. "Leave him alone!" Amber said.

    "And just why should I do that?" The man asked.

    "Because..... because I said so!" She replied trying to look tough, but failing quite misrebly.

    He just stood there. "And why should I listen to you? You look weak. There's nothing you could do to me!"

    Amber knew he was partially right. She was weak, but she would protect her brother at all costs. She looked around for anything she could use as a weapon. She grabbed the flags she used to dance with, and threw one at him. A distraction for only a few seconds, Amber grabbed Ryan and pushed him across the room. He was a little scraped up, but safe. "Run!" She called. At first he didn't want to go, but the look in his sister's eye told him everything.

    "Well then," the man started, "I guess I'll have to settle for you!" He tried to grab Amber, but she moved too quickly. While trying to get her, the man's hood flew off. Dang, he's ugly! was Amber's first thought. The man finally got frustrated and snapped his fingers. Half a second later, a bunch of strange black creatures popped up. Oh crap was her last thought as the creatures started walking towards her. The last thing she saw was black. A whole lot of black.


    There ya go! This pretty much popped up out of nowhere, but I figured I should write it down.
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 29, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Amber

    Did you know?

    • I like cookies
    • cheese smells funny
    • chocolate milk is good
    • Roxas prefers green socks over orange ones
    • Demyx is just plain awesome

    And that's all i have to say for now.
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 27, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Amber
    1. Your mom/dad has to drag you off the computer to do your chores.
    2. You make threads like this one.
    3. Someone says "Sara", and you think of the admin before your best friend's little sister.
    4. You sneak on the computer in the middle of the night just to see if anyone has replied to your thread yet.
    5. You talk about the site more than the games.
    6. When you post 170 posts in one night to get premium and then get super mod with in 2 months of getting staff ~Rosey
    7.When you have more friends on this site then In real life! ~Jordier0xs0x

    8. When you have dreams about KH-V members... ~DogBoyX
    9. You've got everyone's username memorized on the top of your head. ~SpLITĀ²=D0uBLEB1TcH
    10. When you check the RP section every thirty seconds and scream when no one's responding. ~Flamedancer

    All are true about me except #6, #9, and #10

    any more suggestions to add to the list?
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 22, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Amber

    My Teddy Bear

    His name is Pooky.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 22, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Amber

    Guess what?

    I like cookies.
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 21, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Amber
    Can nobodies go splat?
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 21, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Amber



    Danced with a hula dancing chicken??
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 20, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Amber


    What are some good ways to deal with stress? Some people go into cutting, but I'm definately not doing that. Lots of people get stressed a lot, but how do they keep themselves from accidently blowing up in someone's face?
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 20, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Amber
    I really wish I didn't have to make one of these....

    My mom's putting me on computer restriction for a few days. Well, actually, she only said "the rest of the day" But I'm gonna stay off a little longer than that just to play it safe. She thinks I'm on here way too much.... So see you guys in a few days I guess.... I might try to sneak on msn tomorrow, but no promises.
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 19, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  14. Amber


    My mom was just hanging out in the living room. "I want coffee." She said randomly. "Amber, go get me some coffee."

    My little brother, Ryan interupted. "Coffee, shmoffee."

    Mom got angry. "DO NOT INTERUPT ME!!! The rule is, I speak, you don't. I am your mother. Amber, go." She waved her hand toward the kitchen.

    She reminded so much of Xemnas it's not even funny.

    Then later, Ryan started talking like Xigbar O.o
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 17, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Amber
    This is a parody of one of the funniest things I have ever read. The original was by 2Foxxie4U. If you haven't read it yet, go read it now!

    If Organization XIII had AIM.... Amber style

    *ZeKeybladeMaster13* has signed in
    ArtistikWitch411 has signed in

    ArtistikWitch411: Hi Roxas!
    *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: hey namine

    12Psychotic4Life has signed in

    12Psychotic4Life: GRAMMER!!
    *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Sorry. Hello, Larxene.
    12Psychotic4Life: Much better.

    ~I~Luv~Cookies~ has signed in

    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: hiya!
    ArtistikWitch411: Um.. Hello?
    *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Did Demyx make another account?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: lol u think i'm Demyx? no, but thx 4 the compliment
    12Psychotic4Life: grammer.....
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Oh, sorry. Didn't know that bugged you.
    *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Um, so who are you?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: ~I~Luv~Cookies~. Who else would I be?
    *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: *facepalm*

    Water_Boi999 has signed in

    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Hiya!
    Water_Boi999: Hiya! Wow you like cookies too?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Yes! Especially Chocolate Chip!
    Water_Boi999: Oh, those are the best!
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: :D
    Water_Boi999: :D
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Hold on, My friend's about to sign on..

    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06 has signed in

    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: hey! how r u?
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize Laxrene was here...
    *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Who are you guys?
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Well, we could tell you...
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: But why?
    Water_Boi999: I know who they are.
    12Psychotic4Life: How did you figure it out?
    Water_Boi999: Cuz' I'm not as dumb as you think.
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~ :So you know who I am? :)
    Water_Boi999: :) Yes
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: :)
    Water_Boi999: :)
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Oh, come on, stop flirting you two.
    ArtistikWitch411: It's Amber and Debra!
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Maybe... Maybe not....
    *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Yep, that's Debra.

    LeadNobody#1 has signed in

    LeadNobody#1: Did I hear Debra?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: No you didn't. We're on AIM. We can't actually hear anything.
    Water_Boi_999: *high fives*

    FireFoxx88 has signed in
    annoying_little_brother has signed in

    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: NO! RYAN, GET OUT!
    annoying_little_brother: haha lol im on mommys computer
    annoying_little_brother: and im here to annoy you lol
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Ryan go away!!
    annoying_little_brother: lol no ill never leave im staying here forever
    annoying_little_brother: got it memorized
    FireFoxx88: Oh no he did not!
    annoying_little_brother: lol yes i did whatcha gonna do bout it
    FireFoxx88: How about this: Orignal Recipe or Extra Crispy?
    annoying_little_brother: neither. got it tenderized?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Ok, guys, I'll be right back.

    ~I~Luv~Cookies~ has left the room

    annoying_little_brother: uhoh....

    annoying_little_brother is currently being maimed. Therefore he can no longer recieve messages. We apologize for any inconveiniece this may have caused you.

    12Psychotic4Life: I gotta see this!
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: I'm coming with you! *pops popcorn*

    12Psychoctic4Life has left the room
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06 has left the room

    LeadNobody#1: aw.. Debra's gone.

    LeadNobody#1 has left the room

    *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Well, Namine and I have a... thing....
    FireFoxx88: Oh, a "thing", huh?

    *ZeKeybladeMaster13* has left the room
    ArtistikWitch411 has left the room

    Water_Boi999: I like chocolate milk!
    FireFoxx88: wth???

    FireFoxx88 has left the room

    Water_Boi999: What? I do!

    Thread by: Amber, Nov 9, 2007, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Amber
    ... that sometimes there will be a thread that's getting post after post after post, and like 20 people looking at it. Then I post, and suddenly, no one says anything and there's no one looking at it. Or, they completely ignore my post. Do you people just not like me or something?
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 8, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Amber


    I made this because my twin brothers both have Autism, and I was wondering if anyone else here had to deal with it.
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 5, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Amber

    Peace treaty

    (this goes with these threads )

    You get cookies for signing! And you can be creative with your signature.

    Signatures so far:

    ~Amber~ (amberdslovick)

    Thread by: Amber, Nov 2, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Amber
    I've noticed when other people play the sims 2, they get cool cutscenes when you do major things like

    • first kiss
    • get married
    • woo-hoo
    • have a baby
    • etc.

    But when I play, I don't get the cool cutscenes. What do I have to do to get the cutscenes?
    Thread by: Amber, Nov 2, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. Amber


    I just found out.... Organization XIII has been poisoning our water with the dangerous chemical, dihydrogen monoxide!!!!!!!! It'll turn us all into heartless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beware!!!!
    Thread by: Amber, Oct 27, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone