Ooh nice...love the large text, word choices, and how everything just flows together. I especially loved the part "A dark and eerie carmine"...and don't worry, ecliptic is a word. lol Anyway, great job! So were you thinking of a lunar eclipse that inspired this, or were you just looking for a subject to write about?
Ooh nice...I love it~! Great job! :)
Ooh, nice...can't wait to see what happens next! :) Oh, and I'm glad thelightisgone is mentioned again~!
Mines was actually creating a thread, on the subject of whether Zexion was emo or not, like most people believe (but of course he isn't!! lol).
Wow, that looks good...great job Sorax, I love all their eyes. XD Just wondering, but are you going to color them...?
Basically what Orange said! Another possible reason could be there was a barrier that came and then vanished, or it's just part of the game, to make it harder. XD Or maybe they had some other job to do. lol
Basically as the others say, you need to have 300 posts and be a member here for at least 5 months. Then you have to request your username change here. However, note that you can only change your username once, and if you decide you dislike that one, unfortunately, you're stuck with it.
Basically as cocohints said. But you have to do it yourself every time. To change the color, highlight your words and click the 'A' button on the bar above where you write your message. To change the font, it should be in the 'font' selection. Colors should always be written like (without space): [color=(whatever color/color number code]Pink[ /color] It should be like this: Pink Fonts are written as (without space): Courier New[ /FONT] Should be like: Courier New But either way, you must do it yourself each time, there's no way to change the default...
Referrals are merely showing who referred (told/recommanded) this site to the user. The higher the number, the more people who referred to this site for that user. If it's 0, then that person found out himself/herself. It doesn't really matter though...whether you have 10 referrals or 0, no one really cares. :) Any other questions, just pm me~!
lol Thanks, both of you. :) :glomp:
OOC: lol Well...I think we ought to wait for the others...since I'd like to see their reaction right now. XD
Aww, thanks, Twilight_Falls. :) And don't cry Oblivion_Riku! I will be/am your first friend! :D As for mines...um...I think it was axelsnyxie, and then Sadden Blood Warrior (formerly known as kairilover back in the days lol)...
Thanks! :) And I'm sure *cough*you*cough* - he, liked it. XD
Thanks, I'm glad you do. :)
The silver lining The glimmer of hope in the clouds The faces of those smiling and crying The voices of those quiet and loud Your hand reaches through Your laughter rich with tenderness Your breath refreshing and cool Your words, full of bliss My heart begins to thrums My entire minds starts to tingle My deep hatred slowly growing numb My lingering anger becoming cold The silver lining The glimmer of hope in the clouds The faces of those cheering and groaning The voices of those before and now... The silver lining... == Just a poem I wrote for a friend who has gone through a bad bug experience...it's not one of my best since I never do well with rhyming, but I hope you like it anyway. XD
Ooh, awesome...don't forget to have a comma at the end of the dialogue and it ends with a period (and it ends with a 'someone said'), but anyway...great job. It's getting more and more intriguing...keep it up! XD I hope you're enjoying writing this as much as I love reading it! :)
Ooh, nice...although you accidentally misspelled "beautiful" and there shouldn't be an apostrophe on "its," but otherwise, great job...I love the rhyme scheme, and it's very inspirational...awesome! XD
Very short, but very nice. I love the word choices...great job. :)
Ooh, very nice...although you accidentally misspelled 'tell' in the last chorus, but anyhow...great job, keep them coming! :) They're awesome! XD
Well, it doesn't matter...everyone have their bad qualities, but all that matters is that you're able to learn from it, struggling to change, no matter how hard it may be...the fact that you realize it is one step forward already...and being "deep"...what's wrong with that? It means you're contemplative, observant...it's a good thing. :) Like being called a deep poet/writer/thinker, etc. There's nothing wrong with that! And don't forget...no matter what negative qualities you have, you also have the good parts to weigh it out. Everyone always has one at least (most likely more, of course!)! *hugs*