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  1. JLHack7
    Today we have codes abound, and even I have made a code!

    Since I have a laptop, and an IEP that allows me to use it in classes, I made some codes during spanish and lunch!

    I need to test them, but I am 1000000% sure most of them will work, because they are not just random codes, they are NPC UCMs!
    I just gotta test them, and then I'll make a vid with my new TV DVD Recorder!

    If my codes work, you can do Anti-Weapons "AMBUSHED" vid, AND one more character!

    That means, 5 sephiroths, vs Riku, Sora, and Cloud!

    And with the command menu thing, the possibilities are ENDLESS!
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. JLHack7
    Same here, O_o

    oh wait, mine is public

    BTW I figured out Evil's AIM using common sense O_o

    lastly... the sandlot UCM doesn't want to be found, because the digits pop up 20 to 35 times per dump, and I'm not testing them ALL T_T
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. JLHack7
    Those codes always DID sound impossible

    Oh, and, thanks to Anti, I can emulate KH2 (He gave me an Emu save)

    Remember Anti's "Ambushed" vid?

    I'll make some similar codes soon
    (First priority=sandlot XD)
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. JLHack7
    The FPS auto detect is always on
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. JLHack7
    It doesn't matter, both work

    AntiWeapon, get the f*** on AIM
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. JLHack7
    Hey Antiweapon, I need you to get me an Emu save for NTSC KH2, because mine freezes at the first fight with seifer, like 2 min into the game
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. JLHack7
    Hell yes there are!
    Anti-weapon made a vid of Destiny Island!
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. JLHack7
    Nope, just use the UWM digit 0317!
    (I tested it myself, it will NOT dissappear, but most finishers don't do damage)
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. JLHack7

    Enable Code = Master Code
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. JLHack7
    Uh, the whole point of making Oathkeeper the main weapon is the 2nd code, that you didn't convert, without it, you're wielding Oathkeeper and Kingdom key, which has no significance, but the Oathkeeper -> IKK makes it so that whenever the game calls for Oathkeeper, IKK shows up
    Thats the point of the whole damn thing

    The significance is that you are wielding IKK and KK without any glitches, except for the fact that IKK makes wierd sounds when u walk in normal form O_o
    (Kinda like the hong keys in KH1, for anyone who has ever used them)
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. JLHack7
    Here's a neat little Joker set for you guys
    (now that I have my KH2 Disc, I tested it, it works PERFECTLY)

    Main Codes

    NOTE: These codes are Jokered
    The button is O

    Main Weapon = Oathkeeper
    D035B55C 0000DFFF
    1033FEC0 0000002A

    Oathkeeper -> Mickeys Keyblade
    D035B55C 0000DFFF
    11CEF110 00000074

    Forms use Kingdom Key

    D035B55C 0000DFFF
    10340B24 00000029

    D035B55C 0000DFFF
    10340B74 00000029

    D035B55C 0000DFFF
    10340B9c 00000029

    What these codes do, is they make it so that ur main weapon is Mickeys Key, and ur Off-Hand weapon is Kingdom Key, it looks kewl, and the best part is... There are no glitches... You can even do magic (try doing magic in normal form, it works)

    (I'll convert em later)
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. JLHack7
    Holy crap, I just found my KH2 Disc

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


    To PCSX2!

    (Memory dump time!)
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. JLHack7
    Post the codes you inputted
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. JLHack7
    So, did we find Hollow Bastion castle yet?

    and Anti-weapon, go on AIM
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. JLHack7

    uh, their codes work, u just don't use em right, I know those cheats work because I have used them
    U have to enter them IN GAME, NOT IN THE PAUSE MENU

    and I'll see if the other codes exist
    Post by: JLHack7, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. JLHack7
    Dude, I don't have a F***ing KH2 disc, I lost it, be happy that u have one
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. JLHack7
    Woah woah woah... hold the phone, WTF is goin on?

    WE GOT A ROOM MOD?!?!?!

    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. JLHack7
    A dump takes all the memory (the numbers of what is going on) and places the list in a file, this list allows us to hack
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 30, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. JLHack7
    You know, someone could end up suing Square Enix, or Disney's gaming department, then KH3 would be screwed O_o
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  20. JLHack7
    I know you guys have heard this before, but I promise I will update the tutorial soon, but this time, its for a different reason...
    Oh, and our first PS2 game to hack will be X-Men Legends 2
    Why? because it has a 7mb ELF (thats HUGE for an ELF, KH2's ELF is 2.3mb)

    I will be uploading the ELF,

    Oh, and the tutorial update won't be here, I'll just post here to tell you when I've updated it

    Lastly, I have been using CWCheat for PSP, which includes a disassembler, and like all of Sony's other products, PSP is coded in MIPS, which means that the CWCheat disassembler contains the same stuff as PS2, and PS1, (which means that PS2 hacking applies to PSP hacking, so when the new PSP KH game comes out, we'll be ready)

    And lastly, heres a 1337 PDF you can look at
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 27, 2007 in forum: Code Vault