Well, I walked past a game called Gungrave overdose and I wondered if I should buy it or not. Since I know myself to know that my own opinions suck, I'm asking you guys. So should I buy it? If so, why?
A vision like a distorted dream Is what I know to be my shifting life As if it were someone's humorous scheme That i must constantly walk past this strife I feel like all I know is to sleep Because I know I've had what's to take My only fear is if this dream's too deep That I'll have no choice but to wake Perhaps I have far too old of a head To say that I should be wise to know more But alas I won't stop walking ahead Until the day I knock on heaven's door Questions and/or opinions si vous plait.
I was looking through YouTube when I found this video about Ed Alleyne-Johnson. He's a musician that plays an AMAZING electric violin. This man's stle is just so awe-inspiring, I just felt compelled to make a thread about him. This is him doing some breth-taking covers: Free Bird Unforgiven Sweet Child O' Mine Simpsons Theme Paranoid
Who remembers this show...no, who remembers this masterpiece? MEGAS XLR was by far the best thing to be put on the TV since Cowboy Bebop. I'd try to catch every single episode every day. Damn cartoon network for getting rid of it. Anyway, who's a MEGAS fan here? *raises hand*
I had one cup of coffee, then another cup of coffee with my breakfast, but I still didn't feel right, so I had another cup of coffee with a bit more sugar thn usual, but tht didn't do it, so I ran to the depanneur and got a coffee crisp, and I still don't feel right. Then I realized that the reason I wasn't feeling right was because I was a ghost. Moral of the story? : Caffeine will KILL YA!!!!!
Well, on another forum I'm on (it's also powered by V-Bulletin if it has any significance) you have a custom usertitle, and the rank underneath it. I'm sure everybody misses the liberty of having their own usertitles. So how about it?
Enjoy the muffin ^_^ By the way, that muffin you're eating?.... Let's just say when I bought it, it was double chocolate.... My dog helped with the rest >D
'Cuz if you do, I would'nt mind if you PMed me the link to the site. Ever since TV-Links was closed down, I have nowhere to watch One Piece, and since I don't even remember which episode I was at to begin with, I have to watch the whole thing from the start. Oh, and it HAS to be Dubbed. I'm too used to it to switch off to Subbed episodes now.
I just got a little bunny rabbit. I decided to name him Frank. He's soooooo cool. Here's a picture of him. Isn't that adorable? XD
Well, seeing as how it's been snowing for the past two days where I live, I've gotta shovel snow. -_- Yay. Well, I'm off to find the shovel and throw snow on the neighbor's lawn and/or passing snowplows! ^_^
.....But then you realize what you're doing, then you freak out? Well, I set some old books on fire behind the abandoned gas station near my house, earlier. Yep.....I think it's one of those moments....
I don't know how to tell you this , Darky.... So I'll let these guys do it!!!! *DA, Crono, Vivi, and Roxma waltz in* YOU HAVE AIDS! Yes you have Aids! I hate to tell you boy that you have aids! You got the aids! You may have caught when you stuck that filthy needle in here. Or maybe all that unprotected smex brought you here? It isn't clear.. but what were certain of is you have aids! Not HIV but FUUUUUUUULL BLOOOOWN AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDS! Be sure that you see that this is not HIV..... but FUUUUUULL BLOOOOWN AIIDS! Not HIV but really FUUUUUUL BLOOOOWN AIIIDS! I'm sorry I wish it was something less seriouuuuuuuuuus..... BUUUUUT IIIIIT'S AIDS! YOOOOOOU'VE GOT THE AIIIIIIIIIIIIDS!!!!!!!!!!
Location: Math Class Math teacher: okay, class. I'm handing out these sheets with problems. What I want you to do is not to solve them, but to only find the system of equations, then solve for Y. *Spike lifts head off desk and raises hand* M.T: Yes? Spike: Ummmm, I'm not sure if you realised this, but you technically can't solve equations like these without solving for Y. M.T: I beg your pardon? Spike: Yeaaaah, you're telling us to solve for Y, without solving the whole equation. Last time I checked, solving for Y= solving the equation. What you just told us to do makes as much sense as telling someone to shoot someone in the head without killing them. M.T: Young man, are you trying to be smart with me? Spike: Well, sir, with all do respect, someone has to be . *Teacher thoroughly looks at assigned sheets, frowns, then lowers his head in embarassment* And that's also the story of how I was kept in at lunch time.
Well, here's number 11. Don't wory, I plan on ending it soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After SJ dissapeared, Spike and Ctr continued off to the pick-uip point, which wasn't too far away. "Okay, I don't think there'll be that many spammers around here because most of them went the other way. The opnly problems I can imagine us having are probably wild animals." CtR looked ahead of the forest, trying to look past the trees, but the woods was so thick. "Either that, or getting seperated or lost..." Spike turned his head to look over to the woods. It WAS pretty thick, so avoiding seperation was a must. He looked around and found a long rope, then tied one end of it around his waist. "Okay, if you look around and can't see me no matter how had you look, you tug on this rope, okay?" He threw the other end of the rope to her and she tied it around her waist and nodded. Spike pulled out his knife and started to cut down branches to get past. He took a look at his map and saw that these woods didn't stretch out too far, so it would take them about 5 minutes to get around. After 5 minutes of avoiding wolves and hacking down bushes, they had finally made it to the other side of the woods. There seemed to be some kind of watermill.......full of spammers. "****! They're everywhere? How are we supposed to get off now?" From the sky, a big white liht shined out on everyone; a helicopter light. Spike's radiophone beeped. "Spike? You there?" Spike laughed and picked up the phone. "Soush? Is that you? How are you doing?" From the other side of the mic, Soush laughed too. "Well, better than you, that's for sure. Lemme just clear out the place so we can take off." All of a sudden, machine-gun fire was blazing around the mill, shooting down every spammer nearby. You could hear Soushirei's laughter over the mic. Suddenly, a rocket fired out of nowhere, headed for the chopper. Spike ran out the bush. "SOUSH!!!!!" The missile hit the chopper as it went crashing down in flames and fell onto the platform Spike was standing on, surrounding it in flames. Over the mic, there was laugter, but it wasn't Soushirei. "Surpriiiiiiise." Spike picked up the phone angrily "You ******! Who the hell are you?!?!" The voice just kept laughing. "Look up." Spike looked up, and he dropped his phone. It was the tall man in the soldier's uniform....."Roxma....." Roxma laughed as he jumped and landed in front of him. "How's it going.....comrade?" He pulled out his knife and twirled it around, showing off immense skill. Spike pulled out his gun and had it fixated on Roxma. "I haven't see you in a looong time. Not since..." "That accident? Yeah, not one of my best days, surely....or was it?" "You had a mission to steal back military weapons. They said you were in a vehicule that crashed at the time, and your body wasn't found." "Write on the first part, wrong on the second. My body WAS found.....by Jube. I was on the edge of death, but he brought me back using the Spam virus." He lunged at Spike with his knife, but Spike dodged it by rolling out of the way. "You were the one that kidnapped CtR. weren't you?" Roxma laughed again. "As always, you cath on quick. I guess that's why I always had respect for you; you're strong." He went toi lunge at him, but waved his knife at his gun instead. "Put the gunaway. Fight like a real man." he said, poiting his knife at Spike's. Spike attached his gun to his belt and flipped the knife out of his pocket. Roxma lunged at him again, but Spike blocked it with his knife, made the blade skim his, and cut Roxma's leg before he jumped back. "You stil have skill, at least. Good... I see you haven't lost your instincts yet. That's the thing about you and me, Spike. People like us are survivors. There' a stronger, better world coming it's way. Why don't you join us?" He ran to Spike and tried to stab him through the chest. Spike moved to the side, and kicked Roxma's knife out of his hand. "Because, unlike you, I have a conscience. you know, that little thing that lets people differenciate between right and wrong?" Roxma lunged toward his knife and picked it up, but by the time he did, Spike kicked him off the platform. He looked down towards the edge, but he could'nt see Roxma falling. Hanging off the ledge, Roxma grabbed his leg and threw him off the platform. Spike fell and landed hard on a bridge. Roxma checked his pockets, but he could'nt find a spare knife. He sneered and raised his hand. "Behold. The future of mankind." His hand was twitching, and his bones were moving around grotesquely. Finally, sharp bones ripped through his hand and his arm became more sword-like. Spike looked at Roxma's arm in disgust. "Roxma...what did you do to yourslef...." "This is the future, Spike. If you don't catch up to it, you're left behind, and eventually, you fall into oblivion..." Spike put his knife away and pulled out his shotgun. Roxma charged at him, but Spike ran the other to get gett off the bridge and find more ground to cover. When he got off the bridge, he quickly crouthed and Roxma tripped over him. As Roxma was falling, Spike shot him in the chest a number of times. Shaking off the blood, Roxma ran at him, his sword-arm grinding against the floor as he swung at him. He blocked the sword with his shotgun and tried to hold him. he pushed the gun up and kicked Roxma hard in the stomach. Roxma recoiled from the kick and grabbed Spike's leg and threw Spike across the platform. When Spike hit the ground, Roxma was charging at him again. if he hit him, it would all be over. Spike reloaded his shotgun as Roxma was charging in. Getting coser and clser. Spike quickly turned his guna nd shot, hoping to have hit him. When he opened his eyes, Roxma's sword was an inch away from his head. He looked at Roxma and noticed al the blood spewing out of his chest. There was a dead parasite-like thing sticking out of his chest where he shot him. Roxma's hand went down as he fel to the floor. When Spike got up, he wiped the dirt off his pants and the blood off his mouth. he saw Roxma's knife on the floor, picked it up, and put it in his pocket. "See you around...'comrade'..." Holding his side, he walked back up to the platform he was on earlier. The fires were out and CtR was waiting up there. She ran to him and tried to lend him a hand. "Spike! Are you okay?!?!" Spike waved his hand at her. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to rest a bit..." Back at the headquarters, the woman in the red dress saw everything that happened with Spik and Roxma. "He really isn't bad at all. A bit rough around the edges, but not bad at all...." she looked closely at Spike. "I think I'll pay the old boy a visit..." TO BE CONTINUED......
Is a smart-allic hippy boy who laughs at all the people that make threads like this.....wait a tic.....AWWWWW, SON OF A *****!
Well, I just got back from a Parent-Teahcer meeting, and my english teacher said that if I want to write a better Personal Essay on something, I should watch The Simpsons more often XD You know when you're writing a Personal Response on some book or something, and you have to write a media connection, well, my teacher says that the Simpsons deal with all sorts of situations, so it would be helpful for next time. The moral of the story: **** homework and get off your *** to watch the Simpsons if you want good grades. I could've gotten an 85, but I got slapped down to a 70. I NEVER got below 79 in English before.
The spammers were surrounding every corner of the shed. CtR was hiding somewhere upstairs while Spike and Shadowjak stayed downstairs to fend them off. "Think we can take this many?" Spike asked. "Oh please, these chumps? Like taking candy from a baby......a somewhat mutated bay, but I digress." Spike loaded his gun and peaked out the window. If this was the only window they could get open, they should be coming in around 5 at a time. But it would'nt be long before they broke through the shelves blocking the other windows and doors. "You ready for some hardball?" he asked Shadowjak. "Hell, I feel ike I can take on the Red Socks." he replied with a grin. The shelf in front of the broken window fell over and the spammers were flooding the place. Spike shot down a few of them. One of them tried to put him in a headlock, but he elbowed it in the stomach and shot it in the neck. Looking around his backpocket, Spike found a flash grenade. "SJ, close your eyes." Shadowjak closed his eyes tight as Spike threw the grenade to the floor. A group of spammers were yelling and rubbing their eyes, trying to get their sight back. While the spammers were yelling, Spike and SJ shot them down. Then, they broke through another window. Spike moved to the stairs to get some higherground. When they were all bunched up, SJ picked up a shotgun that was randomnly hanging on a wall and shot hem down. One of them got up, so he smacked it back down with the gun's elbow. Fom upstairs, you could hear the sound of screaming and windows shattering. Shadowjak immediately turned around to Spike. "Spike! They're upstairs!" After shooting down another spammer, Spike nodded and reloaded his gun as he walked up the stairs. One of the spammers got their hands on CtR, but he shot the arm off and kicked it out the window. He looked outside at how many were still out there and kicked down the latter they used to climb. A handful of them got past SJ and climbed up the stairs. Spike threw an incendiary grenade and the burning spammer fell down the stairs, taking with him the other spammers that were walking up with him. When the cabin was empty, the remaining spammers from outside were leaving. Spike peered outside the window again and saw them heading the other direction. "Shadowjak! They're leaving!" Shadowjak reloaded his gun and put it back in his backpocket. "Well, that was fun. Why would they leave so suddenly, though?" Spike thought about it, then shook his head. "I dont know, but at least we can take it easy for a minute." SJ turned around and headed out the door. CtR climbed down the stairs and saw him on the way out. "Were are you going?" she asked. "I,ummmmmm, forgot something. Don't wait up." he aid as he shut the door behind him. Spike walked out to follow him, but he dissapeared. "Shadowjak....." Meanwhile, somewhere far away and underground, there were two pwoplw standing in front of a giant monitor that was displaying the fight that went on in the cabin. It suddenly paused on Spike's face. The man, who was a pretty tall guy witharmy clothing, a red soldier berret and a knife on his side chukled, then spat on the ground. "Well, I'll give him this: He's come a looooooong way since I last saw him." The woman next to him, who had shortish black hair and wore a red dress looked at the picture and sighed. "He's becoming a major problem,Roxma, do YOU want to take care of this?" The man sneered and looked back up on the monitor. "Sure...I bet he's dying to see an old friend..." he grinned and pulled his knife out of his pocket, then flipped it around, showing expert skill. TO BE CONTINUED......
Spike and Catch The Rain were running from the hordes of spammers that were in the graveyard. Luckily, the spammers were pretty slow, so outrunning them was more or less easy. The only problem was there were so damn many of them. "There are so damn many of them!" Spike yelled as he turned around every once in a while to shoot them down. CtR was right next to him when she pointed out a bridge. "Look! We can cross that bridge over there!" Spike reloaded his gun and looked at the bridge she pointed out."Good job. We might be able to lose them over there if I take down that bridge. The pick-up point's further ahead, anyway." When they got to the bridge, there was a cabin and a cave on the other side. Coming out of the the were as many spammers as there were chasing them already. "What are we gonna do?" CtR asked. Spike looked in both directions and sighed."I hate to admit it, but we're cornered, alright. Let's get in that cabin!" He tackled the cabin's dor open and pointed his gun around the room to secure the place. In the corner, there was someone picking up a hefty piece of metal. "Spike, catch!" The starnger threw the metal at Spike, and he caught it with his hand. It was Shadowjak. SJ laughed abit and put his hands up. "Well, it really IS a small world, after all." "Shadowjak? What are you doing here?" Spike asked him. "Well, last time I checked, I was trying to stay alive." Sj said with a grin. He looked at Ctr and chuckled with a smile. "Well, I see you got yourself a new job as a Nanny." CtR gawked at him and turned around. "How rude! I'll have you know, I'm wise enough to take care of myself." SJ put his hands up jokingly and laughed. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy with the temper, Princess." He turned around and looked at Spike. "Is she..........?" Spike shook his head and moved some shelves towards the windows to try to make a barricade. "Naw, she's cool." SJ put his hand on his chin and nodded while looking at CtR. "Yeah, that makes sense. There's supposed to be an annoyingly obvious symptom before you turn into one of them, anyway." From outside, you ould hear hundreds of roaring outside. They were slaming against the doors and trying to break down the windows. Spike quickly looked over to CtR and pointed at the stairs. "Quick, hide upstairs!" CtR nodded and went up to find a safe place to hide. Meanwhile the spammers broke the front window and managed to push the shelf down. SJ reached into his backpocket and pulled out an M9 Beretta pistol ( F.Y.I the one Solid Snake uses) and swung it around his finger, then loaded. "Alright then, let's flame some spammers." (you're going to hate me for this.....) TO BE CONTINUED......
...Just to see how far I could go. The best I could do was 37% pf the notes. My fingers were hurting for a while, but I'm fine now. Is that song there so some person can actually PLAY it, or are they just kidding us by giving us dreams of grandeur? I don't know.....