Lament nodded slowly. " Your right....I'm sorry. That was very personal. I'm sorry for asking." She said softly.
" Why? What's the reason?" Lament asked.
" You act like dieing is no big deal." She said.
" Erif...." She trailed off.
Lament nodded and looked back down at Thorn.
" You mean this has happened before?" Lament asked looking up at Erif.
Lament slowly stood up then rushed over to Thorn. The spirts eyes went back to normal and slowly they dissapeared.
Lament tried to hold back tears, but she as trembling. " Thorn, please....please stop! Why are you doing this!?" She cried out.
The spirits looked at him in awe. What was he? " THORN!!" Lament yelled again and ran up to him. " Thorn what's wrong with you? Stop this! Please!!" She begged.
All of the spirits eyes started to glow. Lament rushed into the clearing. Once there she saw the spirits, they were in their attack stage and Thorn was standing right in front of them. " THORN!!!!!" She yelled out.
" We have more power than you could ever dream of." She said. " It came from the clearing." Lament said to herself as she got close enough to be able to see the clearing ahead.
Diana began to run faster.
" Calm down right now. We don't want to have to hurt you." She said. Lament heard the tree go down and stood up. " Not good." She said and started running where she had heard it.
" Let's get out of here." Diana said to Panthera and started running, with him by her side.
" I'm sorry, we just can't." The middle spirit said very calm. Lament had a very strange feeling in the pit of her stomach.
" Oh sorry to hear you'll be leaving us so soon. " Diana said to him not taking her eyes off the lump moving in the sand.
" Quiet down young man!!" Said the middle spirit. " We can't tell you how. Why do you want to know how to anyway?" She said.
Diana didn't like how he made fun of her but she tried to ignore it and focus at the task at hand. She had her sword ready and Panthera was right next to her, keeping his eyes out for the Sand shark.
" Wow you are very rude, and loud." Said another spirit. " We only know about the mask and how it works, we can't tell you how to fix the side effects." Said the middle spirit.
" Sand sharks? But I thought they were just a myth." Diana said, still sitting on the ground.