hey guys i tried replacing fenrir with xigbars gun and i used mulans moveset but when i press x it hangs. alittle help anyone?
there r 2 different jokers E0 and D0 dont ask me what the difference is because i have no idea all i know is that they both joker codes so i doesnt matter it really doesnt matter. what matters is that u git the code =]
here: Fast Motion (R1 Joker) E001F7FF 0035B55C 20356F3C 40800000 that should work
give me the code u want jokered. ill joker it.
1. i dont like spelling out his name and i dont see how its so gay 2.because that code is not right itll never work. just another theory hoping to be the right riku code. is that the digits with the head of the weapon. i forgot which one it was
jokers work on any code. and does anybody know the digits for xigbars weapon with the head? if u do post please.
it could be possible that there are digits for xemnas weapon but it might be a magic effect. if it is we cant wield it. but there is a good chance that we CANT wield xemnas weapon. and since sephy's sword is attached to his model we cant wield his sword. the closes thing i can think to wield it is if u try to wield sephoroth. then ull be swinging him around along with his sword. but thats just a theory. i dont know if it works. give it a try
well for using different keyblades like w2d u dont need to give them the moveset. but if u wanna give them xigbars gun blade thing then u have to give sora mulans moveset. since its not a keyblade. but mulans sord isnt a keyblade so it wont freeze the game. and something about keyblades being solid and other weapons not... but i really dont understand that. ask antiweapon he knows. hey do u have the digits for the xigbar gun? the one with the head.
yeah but u never gave it to me so im asking for it u MUST give sora mulan's moveset or else ull be stuck with the game freezing. after giving him her moveset everything will be fine
antiweapon told me awhile ago that xemnas weapon might not be an actual weapon. it could just be a magic effect. but yeah i wont that really bad. what other digits can we find?
here: Kingdom Key Replaced by Axel's Weapon 21CEF10C 0000846 Mulans Moveset 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F001A 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 enjoy!
hey ansem the wise 59 told me that someone found a left out drive form be4. its probably true. but im not sure. do u know? and whats the digits for the head of xigbars gun things?
sry im on my psp at a hospital so i dont have anything on me right now. sry again =\
well u have to have h.t. ultima weapon in the normal ultima weapon slot, then load a save with ultima weapon already equipped
lol thats what i just told taki lol ^^ and when are u guys gonna try and get another dump of riku? maybe when u guys finish the uwm for fm?
i did. but evil told me that the code vault settled down. so im back *watches taki frown* lol sry for the spam but anyway that code probably gave u a bsod because u have to have ultima weapon equipped or else the game hangs =\
kk thank u very much =]
@ ansem the wise 59, thanx but i have the code. i need the anti form with a keyblade code. thanx again
1. stop with the spam =( 2. not everyone has to start of with gameboy hacking. its better to do so but u dont have to. evil cant hack a ds but he can hack ps2. but anyway ontopic: whats the joker for anti form using a keyblade? or is that already in the anti form with r.c. commands
hey anti weapon do u think u can post the tron world ultima weapon keyblade? i would like to see different world keyblades on ur list some day =P