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  1. amythest
    orihime's eyes still glowed as she slumped against a nearby tree. i wonder what other powers this girl has she thought.

    ooc: fyi orihime is being controlled by a demon and for a while when i say orihime i mean the demon cuz it doesn't have a name... demon talking i will highlight in black. orihime talking i will leave it gray...
    Post by: amythest, Nov 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. amythest
    nope i am being controlled by a power hungry evil person who has only one soul which is inside orihime..... explaining head thing i really have to go my mom is gonna kill me

    fyi: evil person is her dad ^^ it is cheesy but i don't really care though
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. amythest
    orihime's face twisted into an evil smile. "how about we play some games?" she asked menicilling* (not how u spell it oh well). her hands began to flame and her hair began to wip around her head. in each of her flaming hands she was holding a long thin silver knife. orihime examined her knifes "hmmm... i like this girl's abilities". orihime jumped out a nearby window. "sorry children, cant play now,"

    ooc: it is 7 we can start the fight later... ya i kinda wanted to do something since this place hasn't had a fight for a while......................................
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. amythest
    Ooc:she is being controlled by... can't say

    bic: orihime looked up her eyes were glowing green again. she started to walk toward the luring voice. as she neared its source she inhaled a foul stench. she kept wlaking. past the dead trees and to the source. a ball of the murky green light she had seen earlier was hovering a few feet from the ground. orihime walked up to it. her glowing eyes scanned it quickly before she plundged her hand into the gas like texture.

    (out of orihime's head) orihime's eyes filckered open. they glowed a soft pale green and her sodden clothes hang limp around her body. she got to her feet her face expressionless...

    ooc: ^^ all my buddies from school r on^^
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. amythest
    ooc: hey hey someone is on! ^^

    bic: orihime heard a scream. she blinked and turned away from the voice. what are you doing silly little girl? come to me... COME TO ME! orihime fell to her knees clutching her head which was throbbing horribly. her clothes were soaked with water but she didn't care, "let me out!" she screamed into the darkness. foolish little girl, pathetic little girl, what are you doing? come to me... "shut up!" orihime shouted gripping harder on her head. she stopped...
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. amythest
    ooc: .........................everyone died, they have been wiped from the face of the internet! and to think i just got on to say hello poeple who arent here and i can be on till 7 (my time) cuz then my sis has to get on to do her project... but anyway...

    bic: orihime walked forward still. little ripples were made in the pond of water as her feet touched the surface. her face was still expressionless though a line of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. she did not bother to wipe it away nor did she seem to notice it was there. she was being pulled toward the evil voice. it was getting closer. the voice was growing louder, she could tell she was nearing it--
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. amythest
    ooc: being bored

    ( oo) <---bunny ^^
    ( ( ) )o

    ooc: need to eat, be back on shortly
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. amythest
    orihime gave a horrible jolt (not in orihime's head right now). blood oozed from her mouth
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. amythest
    orihime kept walking to the sound of the voice luring her into its midst. away in the distant a murky green light was seen. orihime's bare feet pattered softly on the water which she was now walking on...
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. amythest
    hey peoples imma back

    bic: orihime was awlking down a long black corridor somewhere in her mind. there was no visible exit and no floor on which to stand. she kept walking on the air as if she were in a trance. her eyes stared fixadely ahead andthen she heard the voice again come to me.... it sounded bloody and evil. orihime's eyes did not move direction. no expression was planted on her face and her eyes now glowed a bright green
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. amythest
    ooc: i really gtg srry
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. amythest
    orihime blinked and lost conciousness twitching on the ground every few seconds.
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. amythest
    orihime continued to stare off completely oblivious to the hand that was flying in fromt of her face. the mall voice in her head was no longer small. the voice began to grow louder. it was not remotely kind, as if evil itself had taken over her conciousness

    ooc: i finished my report too lol
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. amythest
    orihime stared into space completely oblivious to what was happening around her, a small voice in th back of her head began to seep into her thoughts...

    ooc: i get up in the morning about six am
    add a little jelly add a little jam
    take a peice of bread and you put it in the slot
    press down the lever and the wires get hot
    you ake toast

    YA TOAST! ^^

    edit: i said the verse for you lol
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. amythest
    orihime cocked her head. she apparently was still thinking about yuna's injury.

    ooc: im bored too hey hey hey do you know when japs last post was she has been buging me about her siggie.

    ooc: all across the country and coast
    people aslways say what do you like most
    i don't wanna brag i don't wanna boast
    i walways tell them i like toast

    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. amythest
    "hey yuna! haow have you been?" orihime said cheerily waving at her friend "why are you clutching your stomach? are you hurt?"orihime asked immediately realizing yuna's pain.
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. amythest
    ooc: what is going on?

    bic: orihime looked around for yuna. i wonder where she is...
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. amythest
    ooc: it was when tamara first came...

    bic: orihime walked out of her dorm, carefully shutting her door behind her. her stomach growled, i'm hungry... she thought. i wonder what is for breakfast!

    ooc: i gtg :cryinganime:

    bic: orihime sat quietly endulging in her feast
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. amythest
    ooc: they have already met... tamara and orihime have already met, in the very distant past... and i have almost nothing to say...

    bic: orihime looked around.
    Post by: amythest, Nov 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. amythest
    ooc: u better not bug me all day in school!

    bic: "oh hi! tamara right?"orihime said waving cheerily. "i am sorry but i am afraid i can't talk right now i have to go. see you later though!" orihime called over her shoulder.
    Post by: amythest, Nov 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home