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  1. AlexleHoshi

    Bye poeple

    I'm leaving for a few reasons

    1. this place has gotten boring for me
    2. I'm on this site less and less
    3. I just wanna go.

    So bye everyone, I may come and see what's up from time to time but I won't be posting and you ya going to say you'll miss me and you have MSN or yahoo bloodly add me okay.

    Why am I posting this in spam simple more people are going to read it this way, so bye bye people.... I go bye bye now lol.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Nov 5, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. AlexleHoshi
    Okay so I drew this in my last lesson since I couldn't sit around doing nothing since I had done all my work that the day, my friend helped a little with both arms the arm going up he helped by putting his arm up so I could just see how it should look and then again with the other arm since I drew it to thin, this took me about 50 min to drew and as soon as I had done I went to the library to scan it.

    Oh about the drawing this is a new nobody I came up with called Myrex (a cook for who ever can guess her real name) but I didn't want to draw her in the normal robes the other nobodies wear.


    By the way I really need to work on drawing hands I mean come on I can do this I know I can

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 30, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. AlexleHoshi

    Cookie shop

    Okay since everyone on this site likes cookie I've opened a cookie shop.

    Cookies = 3 munny each
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 29, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. AlexleHoshi

    Hey SJ

    *throws a cookie at you* there's ya cookie ya wanted enjoy pal.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 29, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. AlexleHoshi

    Sweet kiss

    She happily sat in the library reading a manga book one of her friends had gotten her because today was her birthday. As she turned the page with one hand he softly flicked her amber red hair with the other, as she continued to read someone portaled in to the library but Xetheran was enjoy her manga too much to look to see who it was. She could hear foot steps walking up be hide her but still she didn't look up from her manga until who ever was be hide her covered her green eyes with their hands
    "Guess who?" The voice asked, as soon as the question was asked Xetheran smiled and pulled the hands down and made the nobody hug her
    "Hey Sai'x" Xetheran whispered as the nobody kissed her on the cheek, Xetheran turned her head a little to look in to the golden eyes of her lover before kissing him on the lips and run his hands in his blue hair. When she pulled out of the kiss she softly ran a finger along the X shaped scar in between Sai'x eyes then kiss it, in return Sai'x kisses her on the lips again and then gave her a necklace with a small yellow sun on it
    "Happy birthday" He whispered as he put it around her neck for her
    "Thank you" she replied before they kissed again.


    Just a quick fan fic I wrote for Gharanth because to day is her birthday so I hope she likes it. Yes I know it's not very long but I wanted to get it over and done with so I could make sure I got it posted it today.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 29, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. AlexleHoshi

    Sweet comfort

    I wrote this at about 2 amish because I couldn't sleep, but it's funny how after I wrote it I feel a sleep at a drop of a hat lol...Enjoy

    He sat in his office reading reports that the other nobodies had written on the mission they had completed, after reading eleven of the reports, he picked up the last one and smiled for a moment, because he has somewhat 'feelings' for this member but then frowned because he knew it would be likely that the mission the report was written on would have been failed, so he closed his eyes and said
    "Please have passed this one Demyx" He then opened his eyes and began to read the report.

    By the time he had read it the smiled was back on his face. He sat the report down on his desk ans arouse from his chair then walked over to the door. He went to open it but on the other side he could hear someone crying, his eyes widen as he recognized who it was. As he opened the door slowly the crying became a louder but was still soft, and the widen the door was open the more he could see who was crying.

    It was Demyx, he was sitting on the floor just next to the door, Xemnas got down on his knee and put a had on the boys shoulder. Demyx looked up at his Superior, he knew what Xemnas was going to ask so he saved him the time.
    "The other keep on saying that I'm lying about not failing my mission and every time I try to prove it they start to hit me" Xemnas sighed and got back up, he then held out his hand for Demyx to take, when he did and was on his feet again, Xemnas softly pulled him into his office and shut the door behind them.
    "I know your not lying Demyx, so next time they call you a lier tell them that... I will put them all on toilet cleaning duties" He joked to make the boy smile again, and just as he hoped, he saw the same smile that he fell in love with back on the boys face
    "Okay Xemnas and thank you" Demyx replied as he moved closer to Xemnas and cuddles him, in return Xemnas wrapped his arms around Demyx and kissed him on the lips to comfort him more.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 27, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. AlexleHoshi
    Standing along at night in the middle of town
    I saw the robed masked man gliding over to me
    Our eyes meet as he passed me, both pairs fulled with rage
    A moment passes before he looks back to me
    "You will return" he says in a voiceless voice
    I too look back at him, his blue eyes as cold as ever
    "We'll see about that" I reply in another voiceless voice
    He turns on his heels an continues to glide away from me.

    Who was the man from the dream
    And where does he demand I return to
    Whatever the answers I may not know
    But I do know this...
    I will never return to the past.

    This is part of a dream I had last night and one of two parts of it that I've been thinking about all day.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 24, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. AlexleHoshi

    Hey everyone

    I Have a photo of Goimez in a skirt *evil laugh*
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 24, 2007, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. AlexleHoshi
    Well I think me Medi and Goimez are XD
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 24, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. AlexleHoshi
    Goimez gave me some news just now that will make you cry

    But it'll make us Sora haters laugh XD
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 24, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. AlexleHoshi
    Ever since I became one with Sora, became whole again, I could feel the love he and Riku had, but I cannot seem to feel it as if it was my own emotion.

    We nobodies still without hearts even after we become whole, we can only feel what our others feel. I want to feel my own love for Riku, but know I feel Sora's love for him, is still as sweet. Even if it does make me feel bitter then it is not my emotion.

    Althought this love is not really mine, I know deep down he loves me too, to love Sora is to love me as well, we are the same, the same boy with the same fate.

    Every time Sora looks in to Rikus eyes I can see he loves us both, even if he doesn't know it, no matter what happens he will always love us both.

    Having this shread love make me sometimes wish I was my own person, with my own heart, so I could love another and be loved in return.

    Just like the other, I really am just nothing, please someone love me for me, and not because I am part of Sora.

    All in all I AM Sora, no matter how much I wish a want to be one my own, as long as I have the love of Riku coming from Sora, knowing that I am loved make me being a nobody worth it all...Riku I love you with the love Sora feels for you.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 22, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. AlexleHoshi
    You av makes me giggle for some random reason... That is all.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 19, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. AlexleHoshi
    Okay then, here are a few drawings that have been sitting in my bag for ages (apart from the last two) until I could use the college scanner and today I got to use one so I uploaded them

    [​IMG] This should of been a kitty girl but she looks more elf-like

    [​IMG] This was going to be Demyx but the hair just didn't seem to want to stand up lol

    [​IMG] I did this on the plane on my way to Turkey but I only had pens on me so I could fix it up so no CnC on this one please

    [​IMG] for you lot who don't know I had a dream about FireNanaki and this is how she looked in my dream

    [​IMG] I drew this last week just after drawing the Firenanaki one, it's one of my friends Michael but is was always moving around so that's why it's not so good

    So apart from the 3rd one CnC please
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 18, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. AlexleHoshi
    Last night I had another dream where I was sitting in my living room and I could hear this rattling noise then out of nowhere this thing that had the body of a spider and a head of a cobra. Then it started to attack my feet so I lifted my feet up but it started to jump up at them and started to bite me, and no matter how hard I tried to move my feet out of the way, it just kept on attacking them, in the end I got a pillow and went to attack it, but that’s when I woke up.

    Whatever that thing was it creeped me out.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 15, 2007, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. AlexleHoshi
    That you search your user name on here to see what threads people have said your name in? I have just now...And now I am going to bed night.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. AlexleHoshi

    It's gonna go

    Me light in my room keeps dimming and I'm waiting for it to go out so I can put a new one in lol

    (Don't care don't post)
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 13, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. AlexleHoshi Here we go, just like my Peter Kay ones but this time with Lee Evans.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 13, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  18. AlexleHoshi
    I need to stop with the random chats, but I talk to random people so I can't help it.

    P.S. If ya don't care don't post
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 13, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. AlexleHoshi
    Okay, so I wrote this last Saturday while staying at my best friends house for the night but I couldn't be bothered to type it up till today, so here it is.

    He slowly walked along the street in the rain for he cared not that he was getting wet by the fallen droplets of water, all he cared about at that time was taking his time to get home since the people he lived with never seemed to enjoy him being around, he understood why they were like that, he was after all a twenty year old man who acted child-like.

    He got home a lot sooner then he would of liked, he sighed deeply before opening the front door, once it was shut behind him, he pulled the hood to his black coat off to show his blond mullet and green eyes
    "Anyone home?" He called, his voice made him sound younger then he was and that made his child like nature more child like. At first there was no reply but when he called again he got an answer
    "I'm in the kitchen Demyx!" A deep voice called back, the voice of the man calling back gave Demyx a chill down his spine. He took another deep sigh and walked down the hallway, he put his hand around the golden door handle and slowly open the door.

    Sitting at the table in the middle of the room was a man, quite a few years old then Demyx, he hand long blue hair that spiked out at the back of his head, and he had a scar of the shape out an X in between his golden eyes
    "Where is everyone Sai'x?" Demyx asked as walked to the table and sitting down opposite Sai'x
    "Gone out, not my question is, why are you so late back, I was getting worried about you Demyx" Sai'x said just as soft as his voice was deep
    "Worried!? About me why?" Demyx asked sounding very nervous, Sai'x could hear this in Demyx's voice so a smile formed on his face
    "Well someone has to worry about you, we don't all dislike your child like ways, I find very adorable" Sai'x replied still as softly as before, this made Demyx blushes and bow his head so he didn't have to look at Sai'x, but he could still feel Sai'x looking at him, grinning at him
    "Oh Demyx, you really are just like a child" Sai'x said getting up his chair and walking around the table to sit next to Demyx
    "I care about you, because I like you" Sai'x whispered while putting his arm around Demyx's waist, this made Demyx look at Sai'x, this made his smile wider as he moved closer to Demyx
    "You never told me why you're late back, is it because the other don't like how you act, well I do, like I said I find it adorable" Sai'x said as he put post hands on Demyx's cheek and pull him in to a kiss, Demyx closed his eyes and let Sai'x kiss him.

    To Demyx the kiss was sweet but it didn't seem to last very long, no sooner did their lips thought, did Sai'x pull away, this made Demyx long for another kiss but just as he was going to push him self in to another kiss, he heard the others returning home
    "Although our time together was short, it surely was sweet" Sai'x whispered before giving Demyx another kiss then getting up to greet the others home.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 12, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. AlexleHoshi
    Yes I am bored and random, and this is just a small part of our chat today.

    P.S. If ya don't like don't post
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Oct 12, 2007, 38 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone