She slowly stopped laughing. " What for?"
" I'm just gonna get a book from the library to read before I go to sleep." Diana said and headed to the library.
" You must think I've lost my mind. Talking about all this life stuff." She said between boughts of laughter.
Diana turned and strolled down the halls. " What a day." She said to Panthera. He yawned showing big pearly white teeth. " Tell me about it. I say we hit the hay. I'm ready for a long cat nap." He said to her. She chuckled, " Yeah I'm with you on that one."
Lament started chuckling then laughing.
She smiled and bowed slightly. " Until then."
" It's complicated, and simple at the same time isn't? A life I mean. It can slip away so fast. Like when you swat a fly you don't really realize that it had a life and it was taken away in the blink of an eye. But when you really think about it then you start to feel bad for the fly. Why is one life, like humans, more significant than another, like the fly's? You need something to come along and almost smack you right in the face before you really understand." Lament said.
" Oh well I'm happy you got something out of your trip here." She said.
" I'm sorry." Lament said looking at the fountain.
" Oh. Where did you find the clue?" Diana asked but wished she hadn't because she didn't want to seem nosey.
" Wow. Makes my problem seem like a spec of dust compaired to yours." She said.
" Oh that's right. Did you find the book you were looking for?" She asked.
Diana turned to him and dipped her head. " No, thank you for your help it was much needed." She said.
" Thanks.......are you ok?" Lament asked.
Diana watched them drag him away. She sighed. Panthera looked agitated and jittery. " What's up with you?" She asked. " I want so bad to just go over there and rip off a limb. Can I?" He asked looking up at her with eager eyes. " No. We don't need another scene here. And blood stains, those poor maids would be cleaning it up for days." Diana said.
" I wish i could tell you. But I made a promise not to tell anyone. Sorry." She said.
" It's alright. I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just stressed...and confused." She said.
" Ah! Don't do that! Do you want to give me a heart attack?" Lament said looking up at him.
" What a mess." She said staring at the water.
Diana turned a corner and saw all the gaurds holding Zane. " Good work men." She said.