Im sorry >_<
She cant do it. A cat's brain is 70% spam, 20% bacon, and 10% hot/cuteness.
Spike Vicious Kei Kishimoto Masaru Kato Hijiri Sakuraoka Kenzo Sakata Masanobu Hojo
I smell hot babe. Which one of you three is it?
They all die, the end. But ASH NEVER DIES, HE JUST FAINTS.
Last time I saw one of these kinds of threads was back in the old KHV xD. Mine is somewhere around here somewhere <_>. It was always nice to see how people progressed, and you've come a long way. I also enjoy making hot ecchi sigs, except mine are usually put up at my forum lol. Bouncy boobs FTW 8D
A black hole of course.
I see cows of green, oceans too. Gold is white, honey likes pooh. And I think to myself, what a horrible death.
See ya. Have fun killing geographers on Serenity :3
Oh....your......god So beautiful *tear*
Dammit, I was hoping the europeans wouldnt notice. Damn your future time traveling <_> HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTY! wanna date? ;D
lol, I predicted when she'd get S.Mod and I was right. Congrats person :3
lol yeah. It's like your words are magic <_> I'll enjoy this mode so that I can watch people play and watch all the mistakes they make as I laugh my *** off.
I liked to new game + where you can play through with a different outfit and you start with the magic armor. It's alot of fun.
I must be invisible ._.
I just got Super Mario Galaxy today 8D
Your hotness earned you a spot.
He should change the name to 'Not necessarily everyone at KH-vids Royale' or NNEKHVR 8D
Who are you? D: