******************************** I shall kill anyone with who´s my enemy I shall obliterate them till the end My heart is black like charcoal Sadness and rage are the only things inside it I shall destroy everything near me I will kill anyone who oppose me I will see them suffer, dead is the only right I will kill them all with my own hands My heart is filled with evil To change there is no way All shall hail me Or I will kill them My heart is pure evil, nothing good I will destroy everything, hear my roar I will never let go of this I suffer so much, now it´s your turn You all make me suffer, cry and want die Now is the time for my revenge, prepare to cry I will crush your hearts in my hands I have no mercy, everything shall be dead Now I will have my revenge I will not cry anymore, prepare to be dead From my depression I will get up Now is time to die I will not suffer anymore, now it´s your turn I am not going to be sad, now you will be the ones I will not be heartless thought But I will not be insulted anymore You think you have the reason but you drive me crazy All your cunnning tricks are making me sick You won´t have it your own way I will drown you before you drown me ******************************** I will not suffer anymore, I decided to get up and act.
********************* I will die and in sadness I will roar They don´t worry but I don´t care anymore I don´t have a future, I will not be a living being My rage is like a flame that devours everything Thunder, rain and lighting In dead my heart in drowning I will not count on nobody My heart is evil and is rotting I don´t feel nor I will count on others My heart in this rage is burning I will not stop the fire I want to die, I have this deadly desire I want to end my life I don´t want to try again Live in my depression isn´t right And I won´t stop this time But a part of me wants to live “What is happening to me?” I ask I want to end this, to burn in death Still, a part of me wants to survive I won´t stop, I don´t want a future for me I won´t let anbody help me, I will burn and die I close my eyes and I feel burn I want to be wrapped in flames and roar I don´t want to live This is the last solution that I have I don´t stop now And I am not going to cry Still why a part want to live? If I don´t have a reason to survive I won´t open my heart In the darkness I will live I see the chaos for everyone who did this to me My heart is closed in the darkness, and I will make them pay I will make them cry I will have no mercy, I am a being of the dark I will make suffer everyone who did this to me I will make them pay, suffer and cry I will kill them all Before end my life ********************* Yes, I want to die now, but a part of me don´t wants.
***************** In my world Speed in the only rule Just run and run Let the speed drive you Just run as fast as you can For me there are no walls I just run as fast I can And I can´t be stopped In this world I have to protect what I love I have to fight the evil But for me it´s fun What ya expect? I have friends, a great life I have no worries or problems For me everything is the speed My name is Sonic The Hedgehog And the speeds are my joys In this world The speed is the only thing that counts If you want to test me You have to put the best of yourself Those are the rules of the speeds My favorite game Nobody beats in the speeds I am the greatest, the best Now is time to get some fun So get up and let´s go to run You think you can beat me in the runs Haven´t you heard in the news? This is my game, I am the best So let´s go now without fears In this world The hopes and dreams come true In this world Speed is the only rule I have just to speed up For me there are no walls My name is Sonic The Hedgehog And this is my world ***************** I was thinking about writing this since some time ago, this poem is inspired in the song "His World" from Sonic The Hedgehog (PS3).
*************** I want to die My suffering to stop I hate this pain Is like an stab in the heart My heart is quivering My rage is awakening I have I deadly desire: "I want to die" My suffering isn´t right To die is just a matter of time I want to be destroyed In sadness I have roared In this world I am just an ilussion In my ilussion I want to die, I am just a fake I don´t be to suffer anymore My rage is strong My happiness and love are dead Now is my turn to end I want to take revenge But I am too weak So I have to end this now My sadness is strong Everything fades like a flame Everything burns in death I want to end my suffering My heart is now breaking ********************** I know, is so depressing, but is how I feel.
V1: V2: V3: V4: Just playing around with the Colors, REAL CnC please?
V2: Just a random style, I already got an idea for the next one, CnC please? I know, I am still in my slump -_-.
********************** I am nobody I am nothing I am fake Just a copy I don´t deserve to life I deserve to die I am just a copy Just nobody I am a shadow of nothing I don´t feel, I´m nobody I am just a loathsome copy My heart is now rotting I am just an error of life I will fade and die I just deserve to be destroyed I am just an illusion, a copy I will fade in dark My life is just a lie I am just a shadow And my heart is hollow ********************** To be honest, almost always I feel like I was nobody, no, not a nobody from KH, nobody, not be a living being, just an illusion, right now I feel like that.
**************************** My heart is broken again and alone I only feel sadness and depression I don´t care about my life Everything is ruined and I can´t change that My heart burns with rage My emotions quiver in pain I suffer and cry in my depression Everything is wrapped in black now I don´t feel, I am nobody I am cold, heartless, nothing Everything for me has no meaning I die, I suffer, I am not going to be crying I want to destroy everything that I hate Make them die, suffer and obliterate in despair I will have my revenge Anyways I don´t care about them I want revenge, I will kill them And for that I will crush them They will suffer and cry I will make them pay I don´t have mercy and they will die I´ll make them suffer, I´ll destroy them all They will feel my revenge and my wrath Nothing will stop me, I´ll make them cry *************************** Yes, I am angry with somebody right now.
You are always for me Always conforting me You are like my light Filling my heart with warmth You are like a spark That makes me live I was such a heartless and cold But you conforted me thought I acted so sad and depressed But your words my heart carresed And when I tried to end my suffering You were still conforting me And so with all my heart I thank you For everything I always will be with you If you ever need my help on anything You tell me and for you I´ll do everything You know I am always for you And I know you are always for me So I won´t be depressed or sad Because I know I have you at my side Yes, I wrote it for you Nymph, sorry if you don´t like it -_-.
I hate my life I have to end this now My suffering is flawless I end this quick and painless My rage burns me My sadness freezes me My heart is broken My emotions are destroyed Why it has come to this? Why it ends like this? Why I suffer like this? There must be another way, isn´t it? The love is a lie My hopes are die Hapiness doesn´t exists It´s all just a dream It has to be this way There isn´t another path My suffer I have to end This is the only way My life is all suffering I have to end this I can see my blood In the floor falling and flood. Nothing bad for 5 minutes or so.
I don´t care if you insult me I don´t care if you hurt me I don´t care if I die, if I suffer I don´t care anyways I won´t escape I won´t defend I won´t argue I don´t care anyways Do whatever you want to do with me You can blame, hurt, insult me You can do whatever you want I don´t care anyways I don´t care about my health About my state About my emotions I don´t care anyways Why I don´t care? My life has no sense Why I didn´t tried to fix it? I don´t care anyways You can do whatever you want You can laught at my face I simple stare at you coldly and say: "I don´t care anyways" My mood right now -_-, like it or not, I don´t care.
I am heartless, I am cold I feel nothing, my heart is frozen I don´t care for you Nor nobody will do I just want to cry But I know I can´t I don´t want to be weak I don´t want to feel I don´t feel happiness I don´t believe in love I don´t trust in anyone Nor I will trust in you Sadness, depression Wrath, destruction There is no happiness Just wrath and sadness I am cold, I am heartless I don´t feel, I am careless I am alone, in this world And I will never love Another sad poem, basically I express what I feel or what I felt.
My heart is burning with rage Like an arrow in my chest I am nobody, I am nothing And in my rage I am drowning Is like an arrow in my heart An arrow in fire is what have It feeds my sorrow and rage Is filling my desire of revenge Why my heart it burns so hard? My heart is like black charcoal Why my heart is rotting? I am nothing, nor nobody It burns, with wrath I can´t stop it now The flames, it hurts, I can´t stop them too The flames are like red blood I can see them flood My wrath I can´t stop I have to end this now Yes, I am angry now, and I know I suck at those things -_-, so don´t mention it.
I am still on my slump?
First of all, yeah, I used the same stock that Sin is using, but a different style, sue me, and I am seriously on a mayor slump -_-, this is what I get for trying something without a tutorial. CnC please? ;-;
New versions of two old tags ^Since the colors were a little odd I putted it to B&W^ I know, I am still in my slump -_-, and my PS was working a little bad, CnC please?
I want to know: How do I add scanlines in thr PS, I am planning on doing a new tag and I need to know that, thanks.
I am seriously going to think about leaving the site if this RP dies -_-. STORY: One year passed since the events of Sonic the Hedgehog (The PS3 game), now, the Black Arms returned, Black Doom wants revenge against Shadow, and Eggman and now Metal Sonic wants to conquer the world too, but not only this world, using the Chaos Emeralds, they can travel to other worlds, could Sonic and Shadow stop them before is too late? CHARACTERS: You can have any char of any Anime/Game/Etc. But one character of Kingdom Hearts per member, you can too have OC, but just one per member too, just fill this: Name: Bio: Appearence: Age: Weapon/Powers: Other Sonic the Hedgehog: Chaser007. Shadow the Hedgehog: Chaser007. Silver the Hedgehog: Dual Wielder Metal Sonic: Chaser007. Eggman: Chaser007. Black Doom: Chaser007. Knuckles: Sadden Blood Warrior. Tails: Sadden Blood Warrior. Agumon: Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX. Fox McCloud: Dual Wielder. Edward Elric: Greed186. Gohan: Sadden Blood Warrior. RULES: -All the rules of this section applies. -You can have up for 5 characters.
Just a little pentool practice, CnC please (And I have to put the render there because there was a problem on the other side)?
V2: I think I am in a slump ;-;. And yes, the effect is supposed to make that Gamma is popping up from the background, CnC please?