Hades, he basically rules the dead.
Be sure to record a thorough document concerning the similarities & differences between Lawliet and kitty Lawliet, 'kay? =D
I find your departure depressing. =/ But I understand, I wish you luck on sorting out your real life.
I'm a triangle? =D
Do you ever plan on joining the circus?
Sure, I'd miss you lots!
Well I'm a fairly easy person to please. Plus it's usually my sister who gets me stuff and she has a much better fashion sense than me :3
I want clothes. I hate shopping for myself =/
Diaries are more personal and thus seem more feminine.
Anything Else, Movies & Media, and Kingdom Hearts. I'm most comfortable posting in those areas, though sometimes I head into the Spam Zone.
It'll pass...eventually.
My shirt says Jamaica me Happy What does that signify? D:
Top ten anime/manga: Death Note Fruits Basket The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Air Bleach Rurouni Kenshin Spirited Away Azumanga Daioh FLCL Code Geass
Even though I saw the first two episodes of Bleach last year, last weekend I finally decided to watch the rest of the series. I've only reached 30 episodes in though, there is so many ;_;
Most definitely Haruhi.
I've only ever had two or three dreams having to do with Kingdom Hearts. I honestly wish I had more though ;_;
He probably had better things to do instead of hanging out in a tower all day. I highly doubt Maleficent got to him.
There's a difference? o.O I wasn't even aware until I saw this >.< But I think I like kh1 Ultima Weapon better, it's much more simplistic and looks easier to wield.
I think the enemy would have to be inside the forcefield with Sora to make that work. And I'm sure they'd all have a blast in there together. xD
Hiya there :3 Mother announced a new drawing competition earlier =D