My dad was watching it. I hate that show. I hope a lion eats him.
You were watching Surrviver man too? XD
Kay thankies.
I win. :D
nicokura .
I hate you Vivi<3
It's rather rude not to go out with him just because he is "fat". If you really like him go with it. People will be jealous when they find out you have a guy with a awesome personality while their boyfriend is a good looking dirt bag.
;-; *phoenix down*
Tell him this: When and mommy and a daddy love each over very much. The mommy grows a baby in her belly.
I found your truck. >__>
-___- I am a girl. I have my hair back and a hat on. -__________________-
Misty, what have I told you about looking at people's butts?
-gigglesnorts at vivi- I never heard of it.
Hey thar. Welcome to Vids. Posts lots and don't spam. Feel free to PM me if you need help with anything.
So do you wake up with two one? (Thanks Misty)
Me and my friends played a similar game at a sleep over. Only we hid in sleeping bags. And when the person who it kick/triped over you. You would have to make piggy noises. >___>
Title^. I find this rather strange because I don't move much in my sleep. EDITZ: Crap. Ment to post this in the spamzone.