Search Results

  1. Darkaeroga
    Take your time wabba , sigs are nothing compared to school.But please try to do mines very good....
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Nov 8, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  2. Darkaeroga
    Username: Darkaeroga
    Character: Ven
    Color (Optional): Blue/Darkish theme
    Size (Optional):
    Avatar (Yes/No):YES
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Nov 8, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  3. Darkaeroga
    Please make me this siggy

    --[Text on the sig]- Is...Is this really me?
    --[Font]- A evil dark font
    --[Sig Type]- Evil
    --[Sig Description]- Make Every thing disappear except for ven and terra , make vens cloths shine....
    --[Color(s)]-Blue darkish theme
    --[Picture(s)]-Its right over here!
    --[Animation]- can you make the text go in like a wave then disappear and then come back again?

    Take your time , I want it to be really awsome!!!!
    Post by: Darkaeroga, Nov 8, 2007 in forum: Art Shop