emily walked over to her cauldron and waited for the teacher to speak
"cool hey we're here potions class and emily walked in and the bell went
"nice to meet you all"emily said then she saw a poster that read "wanted a seeker for the ravenclaw quiditch team" could this day get any better? she thought happily
"i'm emily merchant"she said emily suddenly remembered she hads forgotten her potions bok but saw one on the floor and picked that up i'll return it to its owner later she thought
"yeah good idea"emily saidand started walking towards the dungeons
"sure i'll walk with you"emily said quickly said
"so did we get homework?"emily asked knowing she'd already have to make an excuse why she wasn't at her first lesson
emily heard conni he's right i have made a friend and what 5 seconds after i said i was gonna make a friend she thought happily " yeah i've got potions did you get any homework i wasnt at my first lesson sorry i never caught your name i'm emily"emily said to ralene
emily looked at conni "oh sorry about that its just something i do you know no friends same old same old" she said blushing slightly knowing conni was the first person in the school who had talked to her she then looked at ralene "ok sure thing"she said realizing another person had talked to her she smiled happily and started walking
"i sure hope i don't muck up my first potions lesson especially if we got homework then whoever the teacher is will be very angry i think but today i'm definately making a friend"emily said confidently
"you know xerrydox i really think sora and the others should tell their kids about what they really are and what power they possess i mean i can still remember all those years back when we defeated xemnas for the final ultimate time"larxene said "yes i remember but i thought we agreed never to talk about that again i mean whats that got to do with sora and kairi?"xerrydox asked "i don't know i'm sorry i broke our promise again i won't do it again"larxene said
emily got up and ran up to the ravenclaw common room and grabbed her potion vials and ran back down to the dungeons for potions class she had completely forgotten all her lessons so far
emily woke up she was somehow outside the sink which opened the chamber of secrets "hey how did i get out?oh well doesnt matter"she said getting off the floor and walking to the main hall and noticed everybody was getting breakfast so she walked in and sat on the ravenclaw table as far away from everybody else as possible and started eating
"ah well i might as well go up to my common room i don't want to play quiditch"laura said she got up and walked out of the stadium but instead of going to her common room she walked to moaning myrtles bathroom she hadnt told anybody but she was a parsle toung she didnt know why but still she walked over to the sink and said in parsle toung "open" and the entrance to the chamber of secrets opened and she jumped down and landed "wow this place is gross there are bones on the floor"she said turning but realized there was no exit maybe the entrance was still open it was worth a shot "HELP! IS ANY ONE THERE?"she shouted but then what she thought was a hand landed on her shoulder and she fainted
larxene please
then she saw lots of spiders mostly giant ones she ran and found herself back on the path and she ran and ran untill she was safely inside hogwarts again "i am never going to that forest again unless i'm with somebody who can handle these people like hagrid well i know what could help friends but i don't know where everybody is today maye at the quiditch stadium"she said and ran there and saw a big croud she walked to the ravenclaw stand and sat down to watch i think quiditch would be a fun thing to do but i missed the trials she thought
ooc:oh kool i'll definetly be there because i dont like the idea of being a square
emily walked throught the forbidden forsest and got bored of the road so she walked off and saw something move "hello is someone there?"she asked as an arrow narrowly missed he head she screamed and ran but then she realized she had got herself lost it didnt look like there were any clearings around but she saw a cave and walked towards it
emily walked to the entrance of the forbidden forest and looked around then looked at hagrids cabbin nobody was around she was pretty sure and walked throught the entrance she wanted to know what was so forbidden about it
ooc:actually thats not a bad plan so how much further to the future is it 1 year 5 years what?