Who here has a paranoid grandfather? I do. -_-;
Oooh, I'm so scared.
I've had a couple of dreams about Angel Sanctuary, too. And KH.
I need to stop watching so much BLEACH. Now I'm starting to dream about it...which is bad, lol.
No TYPES of food, cookies would be in the American because Americans are like the only ones who eats cookies for LUNCH, BREAKFAST, AND DINNER.
I like THAI CHINESE JAPANESE GREEK and some American but mostly ethnic, excluding soul food and Jamaican.
Seriously, I feel that when it comes to things like antimatter and such, humans in general should not mess with it. I haven't studied antimatter that much, but, from what you explained, mixt, this is something humans shouldn't have control over. People claim to know how to use things and then we blow a big huge hole in the ocean, and this shows how some people just go to far when it comes to things like antimatter. If it's like nuclear, no one should even think about using it. Sure, MAYBE we can find a way to use it, but right now, people just need to use other things for the good, not the bad.
Xemnas - on the game he was pretty easy, but I'm sure he's probably stronger than he let on. Larxene - if lightning can kill you already, fighting Larxene is like ten times that. Xaldin - he killed me enough times to know he isn't one to mess with. =/ Saix - all you have to do is make him angry and its X_X time.
Lol, I was once thinking about Organization XIII and I pictured Marluxia eating a jalapeno pepper. Lol, spiceh. XD
Who cares about spoilers? YAH!
The first one was so cool. I favorited it. :3
They just make you wait and wait and wait and then when they announce you're totally excited or defeated. The same with KH FM II. Everyone was speculating when it was going to be released, but then they were never going to release it here anyway, so that's why I never make a big deal over Release Dates.
Lol, I have the same problems. Don't listen to them humorless zombies, they have no love because they beat Xemnas up.
Lol, people who take these quizzes like these are those people who are consistently worried about their appearances. I tried one of those and it told me what they all say (it wasn't THIS quiz but another): You are attractive but not stunningly attractive... And I was like, LOLOLOLOLOLOL, I'm sure a bunch of other peole got this answer.
Thanks guys. It was working now that I logged in, but I'm sure it'll do that again. And the server logs me out after 20 minutes if I'm writing a thread or a long post.
I think a saw a documentary on that. I didn't watch whole thing, but I do remember that sign. Wasn't there a movie about the pryamid with the eye? That's Laurence_Fox for explaining that to me. I'm big on comprehension.
Yes, and then when I see the page, I'm still not logged in.
I'm not sure, I think one enemy had 9,000. But I'm really sure it was at least somewhere like that, but he is pretty strong.
Yes it does. I have to go to a certain area on the site to log in. This time, it was on my user profile. Actually, it's not on my Mac laptop, where I signed up. So I guess the code or something is no encrypted in the other computers I use?