Nice. Maybe it'll start raining candy over there?
Hot. So did you get some booty?
Well I figured desync would still be in there, I just meant in relation to my skill xD. It has been quite awhile since I've played Melee. I just like using nana as a decoy/human shield while I single out other players. The only downside is that I cant get on the stage if she gets killed ._.
Oct. 31 Wed. 2007 The Summit The summit? The summit of what? If you must know, I suppose it’s the summit of Icicle Mountain. And I guess there are vegetables there after all. In other words, it’s an Ice Climber stage. At first glance, it appears to be a normal glacial peak. But after you fight for a while... A pop! A crack! It’s breaking?! Th-the terrain is sliding downhill! It’s finally arrived at the sea. And with a splash, too! Hmm. Talk about hectic. And rumor has it, you can’t get careless once you’ve reached the sea. The polar bear is pushing the iceberg deeper! A fish leaps out of the water! I feel like I’ve seen that fish before somewhere... Where could it have been? ----------------------------------------------------------- It's nice to see they're doing alot for all the stages instead just a few. I think I saw that demon fish in ballon fight too <_>. I hope I can still desync with the ice climbers in Brawl too.
Happy halloween to you all =3 Especially to my babycakes ;o
Will HB bear my children? D'=
Someone took too much pills and feel asleep.
They should do something like that in Brawl, but not omit them completely. Maybe like only a 20% of fighting a clone? Because if I am Link, it'd be awesome to fight Dark Link, Bower--Gold Bowser, etc.
I pwn sara's dwarf with my human assassin monk with his +6 kama of blinding death <_>
Well I like how they said that the stages are based on <insert world here> instead of just 'Fight #one is Link'. And they also said that the characters are chosen randomly, so im guessing that all the characters from that world are picked at random for you to fight. Which would be awesome in my opnion instead the stuffy old 'Battle 1: Link---Battle:Yoshi's---' etc.
I want Alice to eat me <_>
Allison is so cool. I wish she was my sister =3
First the french mp3 and now one with a screen messed up. People on this forum fail with technology xD
Nah. Any soul will do.
One soul please.
So did you get a crappy iPod or that awesome new iCrono?
Pfft, Kitty needs so go to before she talks about ripping ideas. Damn lesbian >_>
This is just for you: I <3 you babycakes :3
I guess im the Black Panthers than?
Cant stab me if im invisible! *hides inside shirt*