Kobal grinned, since Mace had slashed the bullets (there was a compartment in the bullet which had a special powder), the powder must of covered him and the gauntlet claws, "looks like i came prepared." there was a few seconds then the powder started corrode through the gauntlets and mace himself, "fluorosulphuric acid, apprently the strongest acid, deadly for humans and vampires. You see when heat, gun powder and fluorosulphuric acid, in it's powder form, all mix the fluorosulphuric acid turns back into liquid, and it corrodes through eveything, Oh yeah i forgot its almost impossible to remove." OOC: you can remove it by getting ice absorb it. Ira grinned, "who was the other female vampire you was with?
nobodiesshadow, its good! i'm really tired, i think i'm going to bed, Night, Night! *hugs everyone*
england, *sighs* its 01:09 at coco's place
it is 11:54 pm here, i should be in bed, i might go soon
Welcome to KHV, join a family! post loads! read the rules and HAVE FUN! oh yeah and listen to the staff.
"oh, my kind also uses the moon, a full moon is a dangerous time although our powers are great at that particular moment, this also occurs with the demons. A new moon is a time of rest for us." Sophia said.
Kobal pulled the trigger and shot, instead of one bullet came three did.. Irxa faced Ren and asked "how old are you?" OOC: sorry i forgot to say it was a triple barrel gun
"and i suppose after a blood moon comes a new moon? i'm i correct? a time of rest." Sophia asked.
13... *sighs* unlucky for some
"so are you, Ren." Irxa said and listened for hunters. kobal reached for the trigger...
"blood moon?" Sophia asked, she was rather interested in Keldon magic. Kretsen grinned and signaled to move out.
Irxa Rolled her eyes and kicked Ren, "get up," she said Kobal remained silent, still aiming the gun at Mace's forehead.
Kretsen lay back as the elemental demons did the work for him. Sophia said "they won't be here yet we have half the day maybe more."
"you should help Michael up." Sophia whispered to Kai, Then she looked into the sky unhappily.
lemon flavour! Venice makes awsome Icecreams.
Kobal raised a eyebrow and pulled out a gun like weapon.
haha! school! i'm on holiday!*coughs* ahem, *hugs* sorry sis.
Sophia nodded and Whistled to round up everyone, "people! be quiet!" there was a sudden silence, all the teraw warriors was looking towards Sophia and Michael. "you will have to gather your people i have a feeling that they won't listen to me." sophia said.
"well if you can control Ice then you must be able to, but able to Control Ice confuses me, only 'pure' vampires can control water but not Ice, you are a strange vampire you know that." Irxa explained. Kobal looked at Esal, wonderind if he should help out.
"what even the Teraw warriors?" Sophia asked, Kretsen grinned and made Pyro Soar down then landing on the Chruch, and chushing it to pieces.