are you watching any interesting Anime at the moment? :3
is 'i'm breezy' a real mood?
how are you? :3
but it thought it was-edited for giving out more ultimate secrets- do i spam you too much?
yes you do :3 what is the meaning of internet life?
did you know you pwn? :3
what is your favourite mythical/fictional creature?
can i have A cookie at least?
...can i have your cookie recipe?
hi family *kills badger*
...blech... school is ruining KH-V.... hi Goimez why aren't you on MSN?
You look like Snoopy and it makes me smile :) This is ______
...i have to stop the Faces of Evil stuff Why are cookies made of awesome? ___ is the most pwnsome person ever
was hoping for that i am going to eat you gee, it sure is ____ around here
I wish you would chill I'm so hungry, i could eat a _____
yes... some guy was bugging me about a certain something some people would know... anyways, yeah he was being an *** about a really sensitive topic... i punched him... hard...
...but am i evil all the time?... i evil?
yup . lawl.