" I know tell me about it. Did you see how perverted that guy was?" Bella said completly missing the point.
Lament came back carring a bundle of plants with the roots still dangaling from them. " Ok let's see your shoulder first that one probably hurts the most." She said as she dropped the bundle and got on her knees next to him.
Lament chuckled. " Here while you stare out in space I'll go get something for your wounds. They must be still hurting." She said and walked off to get some herbs.
" Ok then I won't pressure you if you don't want to tell me, but if you ever do want to tell me I'll alway's listne ok?" Lament said.
" Yes there is, I can tell. Please tell me." Lament said softly.
" Is something wrong?" Lament asked sensing that something was wrong.
Bella walked Angela home. " Thanks again Bella." She said. " No problem, what are friends for." Bella said smiling as Angela walked inside. Bella turned and headed down the street to her own house.
" Umm ok. So how's your shoulder and your ankle?" She asked.
" Hi. So what were you doing up there?" Lament asked.
" Thorn I can see you, just come down." Lament said.
Lament walked up to the tree with one eyebrow raised. She looked up at Thorn. " Talking tree named Oagar? Trust me I know every tree in this whole forest and this tree does not talk." She said. OOC: rofl
Bella just nodded to Chaos she didn't want to end up reminding Angela about her.
Lament heard something and looked around. " Hello? Is someone there?" She asked.
" The nerve of that guy! Here have my scarf to cover it up." Bella said handing Angela her scarf. " Thanks Bella." Angela said using it to cover herself up. They walked down the street talking, Angela had totaly forgotten about Bella talking to herself.
" OH MY GOD!!" Both Angela and Bella yelled. Angela kicked him in the ( well not the place you want to get kicked if your a guy) and Bella stepped on his foot, hard and they both walked away at the same time.
Lament sighed and started to head into the forest. Now she had to remake 200 years worth of potions.
Both Angela and Bella's mouths opened. " E..Excuse me!!" Angela said.
" It'a ok." Angela said taking a step back and covering it with her arms.
Angela screamed in surprise. Bella couldn't help but chuckle a litte but when Angela turned to her she stopped laughing and tried to help her with the stain.
" Oh um...... well... umm.....it's just that.... ummmm....." Bella didn't know what to say.