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  1. DjC
    i just REALLY REALLY want the bbs interview as for the other games there still cool but not as cool as bbs LOL
    Post by: DjC, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. DjC
    wow my birth day keeps getting better and better! i cant wait for the bbs and 358/2 days interviews!

    hope xaldin posts them soon
    Post by: DjC, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. DjC
    what makes u think it'll never happen? to me thats sounds real cool! i hope they do let u do that. just think in every game u go out and collect something maybe this time u gotta collect ALL the pieces of thier armor and when u collect'em all ur prize is there armor customes

    thats a good theory.
    Post by: DjC, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. DjC
    LOL i would never do that. u have never done anything bad/mean to me. i have nothing bad to say about u besides all u ever do is help me. thanx =)
    Post by: DjC, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. DjC
    i dont think its a mecha arm i think its just part of there clothes but thats a real good theory about how the keyblades and the arm thing could be conected ^^

    the reason why i dont think its a mecha arm is because ven has one and it only covers his shoulder and sleve not his whole arm. and i've been wondering about this for a while and i thought we've seen the color of terra's armor and keyblade and aqua's armor and keyblade. but what about ven because in the final mix/ and normal kh2 vid the color of there armor looked the same. but then i thought since terras arm thing that covers his arm looks exactly like his armor that must meen that the arm piece on ven's shoulder must be the color of his armor but idk what color his keyblade would be?
    im pretty sure that those are keyblades. just think of it like this:

    when they make an ipod it is good and all but when u drop it u could scrat it, break it, crack the screen etc. but when they make a newer version of an ipod it is advanced and is more durable than the older version.

    thats how keyblades must of been. in the past they weren't as durable as the keyblades are in sora's time. and this also fits in with the mecha arm theory (which is a good theory btw ^^). they might've needed that arm piece to summon there keyblades but as the years past the keyblades became more advanced and they eventually figured out how to summon a keyblade out of thin air instead of the arm thing. so what do u guys think?
    Post by: DjC, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. DjC
    its gonna be an advanced version of a card command menu. and at least it will have a command menu instead of just staring at ur stupid cards waste away

    and i just thought of something bad! this is just a theory though:

    remember when i said that in com/ re com u have to go into battle mode to fight? well its gonna have to be like that in bbs because i doubt they'll let u use ur command cards out side of a battle because if u waste all of them then what? and i doubt that they'll have u restock ur cards when outside of battle.that would be real stupid. because if use ur cards up outside of battle and restock that would be piont less. lets just hope im wrong about this one.
    1. i dont think aqua will be a wussy girl because she's a keyblade master but then again in the final mix vid when she got slamed into the ground she just stayed there the rest of the video breathing hard. and when she saw ven was about to get frozen she just sat there in shock when she could've casted reflecta just like she did for terra.

    2. no ff7,8, and 10 characters! TAKE THAT BACK! that means there wont be a sephy battle! and i always look forward to that in a kh game

    do(s): have a sephy boss fight

    dont(s): they better not make it like com where u can beat the game at 100% with in a short amount of hours! they need to make it like a ff/kh game where it takes time to beat the game
    Post by: DjC, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. DjC
    no its best that they close the thread................................ dont worry just send me a pm ill fill u in on some more details and remember u CANNOT repeat CANNOT tell anybody about what the pm is about or what i said.

    and for those of u who have started a rumor about me sending pms to get everyone to rebell against evilman that is not true. evil has his own codes to worry about and i have riku to worry about................ but i hope that this doent start a war of who should pick who's side. evil go head and get this thread locked i have a better idea. i hope this doesnt make u angry at me but i gotta do what i gotta do
    yep :) and u need to send me a pm to be filled in on what were gonna do......... that is unless u dont wanna help out and ur wanna the anti riku users. but u must not tell of what i said to u!

    remember its hush hush
    Post by: DjC, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. DjC
    alright go head lock the thread i could care less! anyway ALL the people who want to help with riku send me a pm so i can give info about ********. but u musent tell anyone about what i say. and i already no a hacker that is helping us out with riku. and the closest he got to riku was actually getting the screen to load. and for those of u who no who im talking about DO NOT say his name!
    Post by: DjC, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DjC
    i still think that theres a good chance of braig being the dark knight in fm secret ending but everyone keeps saying theres no chance
    Post by: DjC, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. DjC
    i did and all my saves have kk equipted
    but how come they used to work together and all of a sudden they stoped?
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. DjC
    but it worked for me with all my other codes on

    heres the codes i use when i dont want to play with bsod codes:

    infinite drive

    infinite form

    thats it.thats all i use
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. DjC
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. DjC
    i dont think khkid saw this so im quoting it
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. DjC
    oh sry :

    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0005
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D1694 0803E400

    which is final forms move set but i get the same results for every time i try to give sora someone elses moveset
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. DjC
    alright give me a sec...................................


    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. DjC
    alright guys im getting pissed!

    i've asked for the moveset mod several times and u all gave it to me (thanx btw) and it use to work now it doesnt work and freezes randomly

    what should i do
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. DjC
    no game shops dont because moding a ps2 is a nono. in other words ur not suppose to mod ur ps2. but people do it any way.
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. DjC
    hey guys =) could somebody please tell me the hooded riku code that replaces donal/goofy? i asked for it awhile ago and evil forgot to give it to me
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. DjC
    so what are your guyses do and donts?
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. DjC
    they talked about both the room of sleep and awakening

    and what u said is good but wrong.this is what i was gonna piont out earlyer: okay when they said he is asleep we all think its sora.but it cant be because the org hasnt been formed yet and the org was formed when sora was awake! so they must be refurring to ven.

    ya see what i mean? nomura has us tricked with that but i figured it out.

    and that was a major spolier so will u people stop complaining about this thread having no spiolers
    Post by: DjC, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX