" Alright that's it I give up." She said and suddenly the rope snapped that was holding her hands together. " I'm going for a walk." She stood up and walked off.
Lirxa walked down the halls. She had gotten the signal, now she knew what to do.
Civilian Name: Isabella ( Bella) age: 17 gender: Female appearance: personality: Bella is kind of shy but can also have a bad temper if you get on her bad side. She's aslo really stubburn. line of work: She doesn't have a job, just school. history: She doesn't really have much of a history. Just a normal girl.
Lament sighed.
" No problem." Lilly said.
" I think it's a little too obvious." Lament said softly to herself. " I'm just sitting here waiting for them to take me."
Lament sat down on the ground and waited. " This plan is going quite well. She said to herself sarcasticly.
Lament was starting to get tired. She had finaly calmed down after a while. She wasn't even sure if someone was going to come.
She became more and more nervous as time passed. What happens if she didn't come back, who would take her place to mourn? What would happen to all of her potions? What if they were used for evil? " CALM DOWN!! She yelled at herself. She took a deep breath trying to calm down. " Nothing is going to happen to me."
Lament stood there. She had no idea what was going to happen to her and that made her a little nervous.
Lirxa dipped her head and turned to the door. Silently she opened it and walked out.
Lirxa nodded. " Is there anything else?" She asked.
Lirxa took the rose and pressed her thumb against the thorn.
" And how would you like me to go about this plan?" She asked in a soft tone.
" There you go all better." She said smiling.
Lilly nodded and gently took off the bandage. Then started healing it.
Lirxa silently opened the door. She took a step in and gently closed it behind her.
OOC: That's fine.
" Would you like me to heal it?" She asked.
Lament began walking. Even though she knew that this was all fake, she did sort of feel like a prisoner.