Discuss everything about this sotw contest here.
Signature of the Week #22 Horror / s.u.b.m.i.s.s.i.o.n t.h.r.e.a.d | All entrys due on 10/15/07 | Discussion belongs in the Discussion topic \ Get your creepy minds into gear because this week we're going to do horror. Whether your entry is about creepy ghosts, haunted mansions or torn zombies, just be creative! All entries are due by the fifteenth this month. Can't wait to see what you can do.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=PF1E_uZRwME this guy is a genious
... mortal kombat ftw
He should sue.
I think Rufus had her baby... cuz she posted an entry on Livejournal saying "oh sh!t" and she is due this week... x3 omiiigawd
Stupid Alice in Wonderland x3 ohhh, dude, I got past 1000 posts ;o
There IS a reason that these graphic designers make individual shops. If you want a signature made for you, please ask for one pre-made at one of the shops. If you just post a new thread, it will spam up the Graphics shop and the graphic shops will be useless. Thank you, -Hissora *edit* Guys, like Hissora says it would be best to make the request in one of the shops run here. But that does not make it against the rules to make a thread that requests anyone to take on the task. It's completly OK to let anyone have a try at the sig or whatever you request, but please make sure that you have taken a look at the shops too before you make the decission on making the request thread. The shops are here to help you, so at least concider their offer first. ~ Cocohints.
.... How do you pronounce 'mckechnie'? Is it liek, mch-eeeechiny?
..... k NO Wammies >0
That's what flowers are for!
Do you have, like, a new emo kid avatar everyday? XD Cause I swear, it changed.
=$0m3th1ng+L4ck1n6= G_raphics I decided to make new graphics shop. I make Avatars, Sigs, banners, myspace layouts and other stuff, too. Want something? Fill out this form! Sig sizes: Large - 420x200 Medium - 390x180 Regular - 360x145 Small - 340x122 You may also pick your own sizes. Avvie Sizes: Regular - 100x100 Small - 50x50 Want something besides an avatar or Sig? Just tell me! THere are no forms at the moment for myspace layouts and such... 'cause I'm lazy, but if you just tell me what you want, I'll talk it through to you~ E_xamples: Coming soon. REMEMBER: -Please Credit to me in your sigs. I put lots of hard work into these -Rep is nice! I'm not forcing you, but if you think I did a good job, go ahead.
ya rly .
http://ps3.ign.com/objects/762/762427.html#news SNEHHHH D:
Voting! Signature_Of_The_Week. You all should know the rules about voting by now. Edit by Darkwatch: Voting ends September 27th, 2007. Entries: ------------------ Meh: Xigbar Moodkip: Hissora: Spitfire: Trigger: Cronoking: Splitoverload: Chaser007: Ris: VideoGameNerd246: Cin: demonslayer_kyle: ---------------------- Vote away~
do you have to have anything special to access the innanets on a wii, or just the wii it's self? Cause me and my friend are going to try and sneak onto the internet with her wii tonight >>