Woohoo! Looks alot better - good tut isnt it? I think you did a good job on it. The middle c4d and lighting really gives it that floating look. The c4d around the render works as well. The only thing is the blue c4d on the right, I think the whole sig should be reds and yellows. Other than that, I really like this.
There is, the X in their names
Maybe Xigbar, hes got like a harry potter thing going on on his left check (opposite the eye patch)
I just wanted to say that even at 8:00 am, this made my laugh out loud and wake my roommate up. Probably one of the more funnier posts, along with the initial "Hanna Montana Theme Song for KH3" post.
"My old friend"?
The text should stand out more and the background lacks depth. I think you did a good job on coloring though, the bg really matches the render. For text, try adding a black outer glow and a different, bigger, font.
Is this going to be in english?
He wasnt voting, he was telling those 4 people to put reasons why they voted.
The reason I think this is an issue is because I was reading the thread on the secret ending and someone pointed out the character at the end's eye color. They go from brown and as he becomes more angry his eyes change to orange/amber. Also, Riku's blindfold is there because his eyes cant lie, he shows he has been using darkness. Since eye color has importance in that respect, I feel that eye color has to be important throughout. I dont think it would only apply to one color and not the rest.
There are plenty, not black pixelated text that contrasts heavily with a smooth, light, sig.
Text :( Read what I wrote on your fantastic 4 tag: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=29275 I really think it will help
looks kinda green
Ive noticed that eye color plays some part in kingdom hearts. Obviously orange means you are evil (alluded riku's eyes, saix, xemnas, xigbar) But ive also noticed that alot of peoples eyes are green (everyone in CoM) Larxene, Axel, Vexen. Does anyone know the purpose of eye color and the role it plays that can explain it to me? Ive thought alot about this but have come up with nothing but orange=darkness.
I noticed this about both your sigs: Usually, I use visitor brk font at for subtext ie a quote. It is usually aa none size 12. Visitor is not a main text. Also, add some text effects like overlay with a white color overlay of 75, or drop shadow, something that will make it not just a bright white text on a dark blue sig.
The blades on the circular part, like his mace
I like it, reminds me of a combo between Roxas's, Saix's, and Xaldin's weapons. Good idea with it.
Is it mostly just clipping masks? I'm really trying to get into that style and basically make my sigs look like this.
Nobodies do get sweet weapons that are unique to them, and them alone. Id definitely want that.
Thanks guys, glad you like it. Wasn't sure how it would be recieved. This took about 2 hours. Chaser, here's the tut: http://dump.stoleyour.net/uploads/7e1353dfd2.jpg
This is my first ever sprite sig, let me know what you think: C&C welcome