yeah it is its what my lil brother does 24/7 but he has been okay lately i think he's maturing
mkay dude like why did u derep me?!?!?! so i made a lame thread big deal and weren't u supoose to be gone????????? geez
thanks unfotunately da other pics didn't work and i can't edit :(
isn't dat a song ??????? n e way although i do luv ya my heart was stolen by jason so i only have small love 4 u and kate :P j/k
hmmm i don't know but ppl stalk me or have in da past anyway weird
mkay and yes i do speak spanish but i don't like writing it cuz i'm not 2 good at it
sora 13 will prob get mad but that was hilarious u werent serioud though rite?!?!?!?!?!?! this is me at a baby shower =) im da one in pink da other 1 is my cuzin and da middle dude is also my cuzin sort of IMG][/IMG] my cuzin and me at party me and my cuz again *sry 4 many pic i'm just rly bored) IMG][/IMG] IMG][/IMG] IMG][/IMG] most stupid thing i did
it is i use to do surveys like dat ALL the time when i had a myspace
how did this go into a spanish thread and da only one who responded was tummer like what the heck?!?!? *whines and runs 4 choco chip cookies*
yay u posted and i totally agree wit u
hmm...looks like most of u go 4 brains which is pretty darn reasonalbe cuz hey if u ain't got da looks at least u'll get da cash to fix ur self up like someone else said :) somehow the fact that u'd rather b hot and stupid doesn't surprise typical sora 13 =D
mkay my siggy has pplz that are iono my pplz rly and i need more i already have a teddy bear, lawyer, big sis, hot friend, funny sk8er dude, and personal body guard but i STILL NEED MORE!!!!!!!!!!! so any volunteers fyi it has 2 make sense like darwin is my teddy bear cuz i can rulffle his hair and what not and sora 13 is my hot friend cuz he hot so anyway yeah i need more pplz
see sora 13 aren't u happy i made this thread ???????????
* gives every1 a glass of champagne* a toast to alex and elena yay
don't get the first part but second part thanks :D
well.. write her a not askin her out that's what this one guy did when he asked me out but i said no cuz i didn't like him like that but try it it mite work 4 u if she luvs u 2 :) if u don't try then good luck i guess a pretty lil gril who loves candy :P
lol but hmmm... good point yet i think they will last 4 quite a while :)
cuz 1 now u can't cheat on her wit some1 online not that u would ever do that and 2 i really don't know i was plain bored i guess... btw love da avy it cute :)
finally has a way awesome girlfriend and this thread is just say Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay *throws confetti everywhere * yea i noe i'm overreacting but i'm in an extremley happy mood and sry bout it sora 13 :P
true dat true dat :)