OOC: Rax, you scare me now. I was bored during school today, and I realized about the only thing that shadow hasn't pulled yet is possession, and then you go and pull possession on meh. :P Alyce sighed lightly as she watched Jasmine sleep. I hope she feels better soon... She frowned. I hope Sleeping Beauty's not out too long. He just zonked out out of nowhere.
Namine grinned. "Olette! I haven't talked to you in ages!" She regained her balance in midair as she spoke.
Namine almost fell out of the air when her cell phone gave a long ring. She flipped it open. "Hello?"
OOC: Sounds fun. ^^
Alyce sat down next to Jasmine. "Jasmine, it's going to be okay. You have to drink this though, okay? Then you'll feel better." she muttered soothingly, similar to the way she spoke to her siblings when they were sick.
Namine opened her eyes when she felt her feet leave the ground. "...I'm flying?" she muttered softly, amazed.
Alyce frowned faintly as she tried to think. Makes me wish I payed more attention in school when we learned health.
OOC: DRAMA! *watches* Alyce followed Geryl and looked at Jasmine. "Oh my god...what happened?"
Namine closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself flying. Is this really going to work?
"I guess so. Besides, not much can happen to him if he's asleep, right?" Alyce leaned down and gave Jake a light kiss on the forehead before heading out the door. OOC: I've got to disappear for a little bit, but I will be back.
Namine gave a small meep, not expecting them to appear so quickly. This feels like a really weird dream.
Alyce grinned. "He can't be that heavy." She attempted to lift him up, but nearly fell over trying to. "...scratch that."
Alyce grinned and began to follow, but stopped and looked back. "Do you think he'll be okay if we leave him here?"
Namine looked uncertainly at the feather for a second before grabbing it from Azula's hand and clutching it tightly.
Alyce looked over at Jake. Stubborn idiot...he probably hasn't gotten any sleep all day. She looked over at Geryl. "Well...at least you screwed up the bars..." she muttered in an attempt to be optimistic. OOC: Laters.
"Wait, how would you be able to show me?" Namine asked, suddenly curious. She had always wondered what it would be like to fly, but she'd always believed it was impossible to do so.
Namine nodded and smiled faintly. "What's gliding like?" she asked curiously.
OOC: I love your icon, hidden_light. ^^ Namine crossed the finish line, then slumped against a tree, exhustated. "Wow...I don't think I've ever run that fast in my whole life."
"...I think I'll stay away from the bars for a while." Alyce muttered, stepping back a little bit and watching Geryl's attempt. She looked over at Jake. "You know...you can rest if you want. This is probably going to take a little while."
Namine put all her strength into passing Azula. "You can't beat me..." she whined as she slowly began to pass the other girl.