Results: E8- Plain black background of command menu. EA- Same EC- Normal Command Menu EE- Normal Command Menu F0- Black Reaction Commands... Every 8 Digits it changes.
Yes, raising it to A gave the same effect. Going to try a few more. C gives the normal command menu.
I will experiment around with the Address and see what happens.
I can identify these odd menus now. They are black versions of the background menu design. Like the gears on the Hollow Bastion command menu, these do move as well.
Close to it, but no.
Ok, the command menu is World Specific, the digit at the end does not have any effect at all.
All of the digits give the same small black menu.
Woah, Cloudstrife did it. It does mod your command menu. I used 0000000B at the end and got some small black menu. It is still the same actions though.
Can someone post the Multiple Sora fix code for me? I have an idea and lost my original codebreaker file that had that on it >_<.
11 members viewing, quite a good few. I will try a few things in The World of Nothing. If anything interesting happens I will edit in the results.
The no HUD and no command menu codes don't allow us to do anything new other than videos :/ It freezes at the exact same place it would call the HUD up at.
By sound I mostly meant RC triggers, the drive gauge and etc, the unimportant stuff.
You can actually wield any weapon of an ally character right now. Wielding Cloud or Sephiroths weapon is impossible though, it is built into their model.
Ah I see. Using just the no HUD mod, everything works fine in the final battle, and all HUDs are gone except the text and sound.
Cloud, can you post your no HUD code raw? I converted it to raw and got: 20378D2C 00000000 and it still had the words on the command menu. I converted the second and got 11C95618 00000688, the UCM.
Can one of you guys test something for me? On KH2FM against Final Xemnas, codes affecting Sora's weapon seem to affect Riku as well. Can somebody test this on regular KH2?
How odd. I was playing around with Erks code, to change weapons/movesets, and fought Xemnas data with it. Though an odd thing happened, when it loaded up Final Xemnas, Riku had a floating Kingdom Key, somehow affected by the code. When Xemnas captured Sora it played normally, and so did the cutscenes. EDIT: Changing his weapon works, but the Status Mod makes it freeze each time. Also, when I gave Riku Mickeys status, he had two abilites. Do any of you happen to know what they are? They costed 2 AP, and 1 AP.
Even on Codebreaker? It lets me turn off the Master Codes.
I can help with code tests as well if nobody else is here. Though can I ask one thing? I have a working FM+ Master Code, but what would be the RE:COM Master Code of this format? My FM+ Master Code: 903088E0 0C0C21E0
Khkid, all that code did was massively screw up the loading screen stuff, it showed an orange ball flying across, then some blurs and stopped.