yep so do i and the graphics for the psp game r exactly like the ps2 version and for the ds game ive seen 1 pic of a cutscene and it was 3d and looked real good and nomura said the game will be in full 3d
hey jlhack7 listen im real sry about what i said about u =( r we cool? and u didnt know about the new games?well the ds game is all about roxas and u can play as a couple more organization members and of course roxas but the good news is that it will be in full 3D!and the other game is for psp its called kh birth by sleep and the creepy bald guys name is master xheonort and im asuming u play as terra do u have both systems?
yep theres one for ds and psp coming out i have both systems so im all set there is one for cellphone but its only for japan (i think) darn and i have a cellphone too!
hey dude havent seen u!sry i havent been online i had a detention 2 go 2:nono: and nope nothing new besides i have been wondering can anyone hack ar max for ds cause we need 2 get prepared for kingdom hearts 358/2 days cause thats for ds and we need 2 hack a new kh game
anyone got the answer? i cant find the page he posted it on
hey guys! do u know the joker codes that jlhack7 posted to have battle fields of war and the other weapons?
i guess ill talk 2 u guys later cause theres nothing 2 talk about now.c ya
im glad that there making a new kindom hearts game cause kingdom hearts 2 is starting 2 get old but theres alot of codes i havent used so i guess i can be acupied for alittle longer
thanx! so is there any other code that can be hacked and do fun stuff
no is working on the riku code?man ive been wasting my time on testing a whole bunch of digits for nothing
THAT NAME SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED IN THIS THREAD!lol actually not 2 be rude but we dont need red sonic.he just caused trouble and lied about that invisible riku code
ya i know i saw it on another site!i hope its for psp anyway back on topic instead of working on the riku code lets take a break on that and find cool codes!i have a theory on how to fix t-stances but it probably wont work so i wont post it
it is?i found it somewhere else
oh man u have 2 go?yes i finally figured out how to add animation to my sig!
nothing much but im trying to learn how 2 add animation 2 my sig and thats not going 2 well this is off topic but for all of u wondering about the next kh game i found 2 new images of the game and alittle bit of info the games gonna be sweet!
y must u guys talk about ur accounts on a kh2 thread?ohh and im not trying 2 be mean about it i was just wondering
wow we're on page 777 since that number is lucky maybe will find the riku on this page! LOL
apparently u arent paying attention cause im asking for the all worlds unlocked code not the realm of darkness code. LOL
whats the code 2 have all worlds unlocked?i need it 2 try 2 get into the realm of darkness
hey kh220 can anyone answer my question EDIT:never mind it was just answered