"ok kairi lets get started"*namine sarted arranging the logs*
"right kairi now we have to put it together and i know bot of us know how to do this"
"wow i thought i'd be the only vampire to my names ashley anyway does this mean they supply blood or do we have to bite the other students?"ashley said excitedly
*namine dragged two logs back and came back with two more then came with the last log*
"ok as long as your ok gee i'm getting thirsty are there any vending machined or anything with blood around?"
"well kairi we'd better get started i mean first we have to gather five logs then we need some string to make the base so i'll get the logs you get the string meet back here ok?" *namine ran off to find some logs for the raft*
*ashley closed her eyes for no reason and accidently bumped into tori*"oops sorry i want looking where i was going"
ooc:cool thanks ic:*ashley walks down a corridor in the highschool just looking around*
well i suppose your right *namine runs off and comes back in a swim suit she put a towel down on the ground*
when can we start?
"i was thiking about making a boat and putting a hole in it and see how far i get in it and just swim back do you want to help kairi?"
hi guys this is a song i found strangly after i saw a person get on a bus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNlOL8tBVL8&mode=related&search=
*namine looked around and saw kairi there* "oh hi kairi whats up?"
ooc:ok ic:*namine sat down on the beach looking out to sea*
yay thanks love vampires in fact i'm not entirely sure but i could be half vampire i never met my dad so anythings possible
can i join name:ashley age:16 kind of monster:vampire power:can fly gender:female apperence:
i'll take namine
*lrxene noticed she was about to be followed so she stopped walking and stared at hayner pence and ollette hungrily*maybe i could narrow it down to three people though* ooc:i have to go now :(
ooc- ok ic- odd flew around looking for a cloud to land on her wings were starting to get numb
ooc- thanks when do we start?