Not in my school...
If that were true to a greater extent then people in my class wouldn't be failing... I hate sports!! I am a bookish type^^
Who actually likes them?? I love the band!!! Everyone at my school hates country, so they insult me for this...TT.TT Oh well my favorite song is "Something More" What is yours??
I missed a question about my Love!!!!! *dies*
If you made a nickname for me, what would it be?
I hate that kid....
I don't care if this is :locked:^^
Me too, But I hates the homework! 26644
Whoah that makes me feel better^^ I didn't think anyone had not seen a Scary Movie!
... You haven't seen Scary Movie?????
Le Gasp! Nooo!!!^^
Really?? I can't rep some peoples...
Le Gasp!! That song scares me!^^ lol!!! I love Peter's version of it!!! Settelin' - Sugarland
What will Mish do to you when you get to the truck?
If you had a flavor, what would it be?
That makes me never want to go to youtube again...
Good thing there is nothing sublimonal in the Nightmare Before Christmas!!^^ But some of these seem like people are reading too much into it...
Wow...Ctr....Okay.... Soo moving on! How is everyone?? 26635