Kairi smiled faintly. She found it funny that very charm she'd made the night before everything had started had been the key to finding the keyhole.
Gwyxn looked over at Xin for a second before asking, "Want me to go talk to her? You probably need to fill new girl in." She smiled sheepishly at the redhead, who was probably extremely confused right about now. "Sorry, I don't know your name."
OOC: Ello. New, right? Welcome to KHVideos. ^^
Gwyxn whirled around to find herself facing a younger redhead standing behind her. "Ah...new recriut, right?" she asked. New recuits always tended to interest her since they popped up rarely. She pointed in Xin's direction. "That would be Xin. I'm Gwyxn."
OOC: And I'm sitting there sketching because the others are ignoring me/not online. :P
Gwyxn had been waiting for Xin to respond when she heard a door nearby creak up and saw Reixa's head poke out curiously. "Oh, hey Rei. Xin's right here if ya wanted to talk to her." OOC: And now, to wait for CG... :P
OOC: Well...you'll probably end up with action if you ever show back up at headquaters. I doubt many people are happy you disappeared. :P
OOC: Blame school; that's why I'm always off earlier on the weekdays. :/ "Gone as in, she took off on Reixa. And now, thanks to her taking off, I had to go look for her, while Reixa tried some stupid stunt and now she's probably permanantly screwed up and..." Gwyxn only talked fast when she was either really hyper or bummed, which she herself had always found extremely odd. Speaking of odd... She stopped mid-sentence when she realized that the black rose she'd recieved from that guy at the resturant earlier still hung behind her ear. I thought I took that off earlier...
"Oh, shut up, Waterboy." Roxas told Demyx quietly and stuck his tongue out at him.
Gwyxn hesitated for a moment. "Xangel's..." She took a deep breath, choosing how to say it. "Xin...Xangel's....she's....she's gone." OOC: And I hate to ruin this forbiding moment, but I've got to go. I'll be back on later tomorrow, peoples! ^^
She thought for a moment. "Reixa's probably upstairs, but you probably don't want to bug her right now." Speaking of Reixa...she wondered how she was doing. She'd seemed extremely distressed about her vision problem, but then again, who wouldn't be?
OOC: Howdy, peoples! I blame homework for my disappearance. :P Gwyxn grinned. "Joy! Do we get to roll out the welcome committee for them?" she asked sarcastically, but still managing to sound cheerful. OOC: LOL...nice song for them.
From Xin's tone, Gwyxn had a feeling this was going to be something she wouldn't like. Sighing, she went off to look for her friend, and found her in the hallway humming something that sounded like, We're going to be attacked... "Let me guess..." Gwyxn asked teasingly, "We're going to be attacked?" OOC: LOL...I was just about to ask when Xin would come back from the dead. :P
OOC: The All-Seeing Raven...me like. ^^
OOC: Meh, I basically figure Nobodies are basically the same as people other than the whole no emotions thing. ^^ I feel so loved for being quoted. <3
OOC: Ah, don't worry. Xangel won't be dead until she runs into Gwyxn. Heh...I kid, I kid.... ^^
OOC: *sigh* I have to go. I'll be on tomorrow after school's over. ^^
OOC: ...I'd assume so. You're really in a 'torture Reixa' mood, aren't you? :P Gwyxn smiled. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." After handing Reixa a fluffy pillow from the couch, she took off down the hall in search of Xadyn.
Gwyxn cocked her head, giving Reixa a look as if to say, Don't you dare try doing that again. "You are going to sit here and rest while I go get Xadyn." She got up, then looked down at her friend. "Are you going to be okay by yourself for a few minutes?"
OOC: LOL...who knows with this thread? :P "Your vision's screwed up?" Gwyxn asked. "What do you mean?" Worried now, she quietly asked, "What were you thinking, Reixa?"