You go, dude!
I used to like it more before than I do now. It kind of got boring and a little bit annoying at times. But it's better than Ed Edd 'n' Eddy and stuff.
What? You can't touch the thermostat? How does that happen? Anyways, ask someone who can mess with the thermostat to warm the house up!
Because Barbie was burned at the stake. How do you play a board game with a liger?
LOL, that's OK! I love talking about Harvest Moon, no matter which section it's in! ^.^
26,416 How's it going?
That was cool-looking, but I think Aerith is cool too. I mean, can YOU talk to dead people? It's a nifty kind of power.
Um, why did you steal Deathspank's idea? >_>
Because your coffee mugs possessed them. Who wants to help me find that one map to Naboo?
Well actually I borrowed it but I loved it so much that I decided to buy it used and hopefully it'll come in the mail some time soon.
Yeah, that sucks that you lose a character. Oh well, by the time she dies, you can have up to eight other characters, so one less to worry about for buying materia and weapons.
26,399 One step colser to 1,000,000!
26,385 Not really, aside from I'm logging off now. Sayonara!
AHHH, it's everywhere!! *grabs gas mask and thick suit*
Noooooo, I HATE the Teletubbies!! Anyway, you can only do that if you apply for a Beanie Baby license. Now, where can I find an organically grown DVD player that gives me all the answers to the biggest questions in life?
Not until I see that you've actually planted that cucumber tree for the talent show. What kind of animal walks on four legs all the time?
26,383 True, true.
Oh, that's not cool. I hope you feel better. Just don't spread anything to me. XD
26,381 Same here. This is sad... But 1,000,000 is a huge number, so whatever.
Did I happen to see Angel? What does that mean?? Anyway, that looks like a cool show! o_o