it's the huge animations, infinate jump, and normal sora with final form's attacks. I think it's also drive without party members and drive without losing any.
Evil, you can keep those names, we're just saying to have an AKA after it. Like this B9- Organization XIII battle (against Demyx and Saix) "AKA" The 13th Dilemma.
Ya, but if you put BOTH the easy way AND correct way, then EVERYBODY WILL KNOW WHICH ONE IS WHICH!
Well then why don't you make it Twilight "Town Music/Lazy Afterrnoons"?
you should make drive orbs, and when you pick them up, you get two Keyblades, and when you click they slash right left right left. You should make Souleater shoot dark energy blasts that make the enamies move slower. You should make Mickey's Keyblade shoot balls of light, that seek out enamies. You should make Vexen's or Goofy's or the Dream shield be able to block any long range attacks. If you go with my last idea and choose the Dream Shield, and my idea of having soul eater shoot dark energy, then you should replace the old souleater that slices enamies in half with the Dream Sword. If you go with the idea above, you should make soul eater do less damage wince it has long range capabillities, and the Dream Sword do more damage, since it has only close range. You should make different enamies like Heartles, Nobodies, and Organization XIII as bosses. You should make the Organization Hood, and Coat equiptable for the costume customization. You should make the greatest weapon of all be ****************. I'll pm it to you.
Ok, Evilman, you SERIOUSLY need to fix the names for the music mod. Nobody knows what your talkling about and can easily mistake one digit for another.
If Roxas canb, anybody can, just like donald and goofy's weapons, and even if Roxas is the only one that can wield it, it'll still be worth it. I will be a God with the dual wield sticks.
ALL HAIL THE ALMIGHTY 8!!!!!! Have we found the wield the stick code yet? could this 8 somehow help us play as Riku? Just thinking out loud here. It would make sense for the 8 to let us play as Riku, because square was probably like, "hey, lets lets piss those hackers off by making all their play as riku problems be caused by a single 8 digit! That'll hella piss them off!"
Dang, oh well. It'd be cool though, right? I wonder if anyone would believe it!
What's the code to weild mushu? And who can use it? He doesn't dissappear like WTTD, does he? and what does it look like when you weild him?
OH YEAH! sorry, I forgot to tell you a long time ago what they do. All of Anti-form's attacks reflect projectiles. All of his moves launch enamies into the air, and he gains no experience.
Guys, this applies to my theory of Xehanort combininig Terra's power with his own. To regain his youth and obtain an even greater power than before. When he says friend, that is Terra speaking.
I look like... hmm... well, I'd probably be... Roxas. Just because he has huge poofy hair like me.
ok, any new codes? I left off on page 665
I could tell by the way Riku was standing in the first pic that it was the playable one, because he was in his fighting stance. I could tell by his shoulder.
It has to be JOKERED what was the link to your live feed again?
Last I posted was on page 650.
So do you guys remember when I was here last? it was over like, 50 pages at the most ago, mabe. Can you tell me now what I missed?
Last I was here, I freaked out over that we found the riku code, and we were looking for it again.
Hey guys, any cool knew codes I may have missed?