OOC: *cries* why does this have to end?! *Cries more* this was the best and very first RP ive been on ever! damn... ok ok, we need to make this final battle good, so we better be up to date and all, so... what happened after the village?? Last time i got online was there... I still can summon my keyblade (it will summon in the battle)... oh yeah, and i think theres a battle ongoing right now... so...someone please tell what ive missed...
OOC: we will miss you Jaxed! you created the (almost) perfect RP! *may the force be with you master Jaxed*
that would be really nice, but you cant have music from RE:CoM to FM+... so, no you sadly cant
Thanks Xigbar! Its awesome!
yeah, ive done it with final too... looks kick ***!
Username: Willi211191 Character: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-15710 http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-3439 (your choice if you use both or one of them) Color: something that fits Text: Do you remember? Our promise... Size: your choice Can you make me this one???
"I think I need new clothes" wonder if theres any good shop around here" he then walks around the city for a shop, but he then sees Bellatrix "hey! Bella!" he said "hows you leg??" he asks her "its seems your doing fine!"
OOC: hmm... whe? oooh... because I toke care of you?? BIC: Noxas awakes, and gets up. "yawn!" he looks around, and sees that Bellatrix isnt here. he then goes to the door.. "wonder where she is, when shes hurt" he asks himself as he stands in the door looking out
OOC: haha... he insulted me because... why!? xD
OOC: hey! im on! hmm... What happened when I was off?! why did Xane get on a "Game"?!
and... anyone got a infinte HP code that works?? for some reason, the ones ive tried doesnt take effect.. the HP keeps draining...
whoa! Crisis Core! damn... I want to go to the TGS so bad!! ive never been on one before... *stares at list* OMG! Final Fantasy XIII!! this years TGS seems to be awesome!
ok, i tried it.... the ARMax one, didnt work, i tried it, went to different worlds, but nothing... maybe the other one works, but i cant test because i only have AR
wow... your just... wow
hmm... ive tried every infinite HP code, and none works... my HP keeps decreasing...
"they got a TV in your room Xane! you cant watch ninja turtles and spiderman if you want to!" Noxas said to please Xane "huh?" no nothing! dont worry! Its just thats its been a while since i last slept in a bed, thats all! Noxas then fells asleep in the floor and with the back in the wall in the side of the Bed where Bellatrix was at OOC: damn i gotta go know! wish i was in America so I could stay longer!
sorry Xane, but I got to take care of her... Noxas then carries Bellatrix in. "you take the bed and ill take the floor" He said unhappy. OOC: ok, gotta go in like 10 minutes guys... thats the bad thing about living in europe, the time is already 5 am and i gotta go to bed... BYE!!
"uh-oh" Noxas said... theres only 2, and we are three... 2 of us gotta sleep together..." what do you think Bella?" lets share a shelt if you dont mind!" then can Xane the singer sing all night along as we sleep... deal??" and remember that you wounded in your leg, so it would be good if I stayed with you"
"thanks! oh hey! look! its a village!" I wonder if theres any place we can stay at" he then notices a sign "last 2 shelters now! half price" "look! look at the sign!"
"Your helpless Xane!" "nope, not yet" but I can already the meal!" Noxas said and laughed. "oh, here Bella, its my last cookie, but since you love cookies..."