But you will never ban me here! I will fight you off! GAH!!!!:guns:
I meant on the chat channel, not here. -.- I know you think of me that way. >.>
Em, what was the name of CTR? I don't think I've bashed anyone, and I usually get kicked out for some reason...
Vero, and in english" I agree"
Ita. ^_^ It's latin everyone, got that! :yelling:
We got fun in games. So play a game with me, and post something quite lame; welcome to the jungle! FA LA LA LA LA ME ME, ME, ME ME! :yelling::yelling::yelling::yelling::yelling:
Ego volo curere. ._.
Ego tedium. :laughing-smiley-004
Hmm, do they?:rockdover:
This is a depressed kid who had to go back to school today.
This is a gaint ice cream. *Whacks random posters*
" SHE IS!!! SHE IS!!!!!!! SHE.. ISSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" Lexy screamed, and, with a fit of rage, charged, and threw his tomahack at senix.
"What secert, SENIX!!?" Lexarus demanded, tomahawk out.
"What are you then?' Lexy asked, voice lowered " a she-male?"
OOC: I had more pressing mattters, such as noticing a naked guy has no, you know. =P
"WHAT THE HELL! A GIRL!!! A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A." OCC: I stopped right there so you could react.
Lexy suddenly saw someone without pants. Lexy rushed to "him, and shouted. "HEY! Put some clothes...!". But he trailed off.
OOC:Sorry, I'm a baseball fan, not football. I barely know how to play. ._. "Sorry, I'm a baseball fan, not a football" Lexy said, annoyed " I barely know how to play"
"Lineback" said Lexy cheerfully.
Lexy grabbs the ball, and uses the power of dark to teleport to the end zone.